heart: well, it ain't a perfect project, but at least it's a project. girl: Good luck with your diorama projects, you guys! dean: nothing like that perfect project to make the rest of us feel like "also-rans". heart: I think my project is actually crying.
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
I wonder what that girl’s box originally held before it became a diorama. (“Also-rans”?)
codycab over 5 years ago
Show off.
LadyPeterW over 5 years ago
Probably boots. Steel-toed, leather, work boots with heavy-duty soles weigh a ton and come in very large boxes.
ShadowBeast Premium Member over 5 years ago
Bigger doesn’t always mean better.
dwane.scoty1 over 5 years ago
That box is what Uncle Benny’s Urn came in!
Ermine Notyours over 5 years ago
And the influence of Tacoma’s own Ivan lives on.
Piksea Premium Member over 5 years ago
The One and Only Ivan is a wonderful book. It truly deserves the most fabulous diorama!
debra4life over 5 years ago
When I was in school, dioramas were always done in shoe boxes, like Dean’s and Heart’s are.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 5 years ago
But is this for art class or for english class, and how much emphasis does the teacher place on the level of reading involved? In junior high many decades ago we were to do watercolors based on the combination of a play or movie with a piece of music. It seemed natural to combine Mendleson and Shakespeare. I was familiar with the Mendleson piece only because my mother owned a copy. That made me golden in that teacher’s eyes for quite a while afterward because it was so unexpected, and I guess not many classmates enjoyed reading Shakespeare the way that did.
samfran6-0 over 5 years ago
I was almost afraid to comment on this arc, because I have no idea what any of this is about. I don’t even understand what a diorama is.
JP Steve Premium Member over 5 years ago
We had a coffin-sized radio hauled into the classroom where we’d listen to some cultural program and then draw a picture based on what we’d heard. I remember drawing Peer Gynt’s “Hall of the Mountain King,” Swift’s “Visit to Brobdingnag” and something to do with the Sargasso Sea…
asrialfeeple over 5 years ago
Well, it does look like you made it this morning in the rain.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
What a try-hard.
-unbound- over 2 years ago
what I’ve also read that