Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for June 19, 2013
Ralston: Hey, Jenn, you ever thought about being a superheroine? I mean, comic books are veritably bursting at the seams with female characters! Women with massive power and huge personalities who are endowed with gigantic responsibilities! Woman: Yeah, but I hate all the innuendo. Ralston: Well, it usually falls flat.
ShortStraw over 11 years ago
i sense something AMAZING happening on the horizon.
1Username over 11 years ago
(Chuckle!) “It usually falls flat…” I had to read the comic a second time to get it.
Partyalldatyme over 11 years ago
How long do we have to go in the reruns until Ms. Amazement shows up?
Kaywest over 11 years ago
Scarlet Witch.. What’s her secret identity? Aunt Flo?
StoicLion1973 over 11 years ago
She-Hulk comes to mind.