JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for November 09, 2014
Excuse me sir...do you work here? tes! That would be in "seasonal" Thank you! Halfway down aisle four! Pop, when somebody asks "doe you work here"? the correct response is "No" I know this store like the back of my hand still doesn't mean your an employee what took you so long? I start monday!
RobinHood2013 about 10 years ago
And let the embarrassment of the holiday season begin.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
If keeping a job a was that easy fewer people would be jumping thru hoops to stay on welfare. (In my dreams.)
Cordicfan about 10 years ago
This happened to me all the time at my neighborhood hardware store. People would ask me where stuff was all the time. Of course I was there a lot and I loved browsing the shelves so I should’ve got a job there.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
They seldom asked if I worked there, went straight to asking where. Afterwards they would compliment me to the manager. THAT’S when they found out that I didn’t work there.
kab2rb about 10 years ago
I wished was that easy to get a job. I have son who knows where most products are located but to get a job there forget it, someone else less knowledgeable gets the job. He needs work bad. No drugs clean history. He wants what others do stock shelves.
jbarnes about 10 years ago
I stopped wearing polo shirts because it seemed like every time I wore one into a store, someone would think I worked there. I guess they are a common uniform item, and not a common piece of everyday women’s attire.
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
Have you noticed in some stores – no name tags or even tags identifying the staff as staff? I quite understand not wanting to have your name on your shirt – but please I need to know you’re staff!
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 10 years ago
[furry-faced grin] Wonderful comic Robb!!! Very real!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This is great!!!!! I hope this continues for quite a while. I like Joe’s Dad a lot and would like to see him the comic much more often!!!!!
Robbfriend about 10 years ago
Showed him! :)