Monty by Jim Meddick for April 22, 2016

  1. 09 ben turpin
    sloaches  almost 9 years ago

    Speaking of not reading yesterday, does anyone know how long the comics site was down? I checked for a couple of hours and it never came on.

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  2. Penguin hero
    grainpaw  almost 9 years ago

    Whatever they were doing, it didn’t fix the problem of two of my comics always being down for maintenance for the last two months. Not the same ones every day,because I have a weekly, and Ballard Street skips Sunday, but always whatever is #20 and #23, say. Someone else was having this problem also.

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  3. Missing large
    PAXBrit  almost 9 years ago

    I just got an offer of a survey regarding their upcoming rebuild, so it may be that they are committing the cardinal sin of updating without testing – far too damn common these days, says this guy who first programmed in 1963.

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 9 years ago

    What did you expect, Monty? This is 2016!At least Moonie was into your text!

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