I DIDN’T know if anyone else has seen Sunday’s Hagar the Horrible yet – but if your local paper carries that strip, you should check it out. Helga tells Hagar that she believes they need to buy some art, so she drags him into a gallery. Inside, Classic Sluggo is the artist, who is showing a collection of Classic Nancy and Aunt Fritzi. Helga spots a picture of Aunt Fritzi in a bathing suit and begins dragging Hagar out of the gallery. Hagar tells Sluggo, I don’t know much about art, but I know what I’m not allowed to like! Very cute, all the way around.
Auntie Clockwise 6 months ago
9 vowels in panel #1 with 18 consonants…
12 vowels in panel #3 with 16 consonants…
6 vowels in panel #4 with 11 consonants…
Ernie’s entire strip has 27 vowels and 45 consonants. Both of those verbal components sum to 9 and I do find that interesting.
Donald Benson Premium Member 6 months ago
Didn’t they have a resident rich kid for money gags? Think the name was Rollo.
brklnbern 6 months ago
Seems money can buy happiness.
anncorr339 6 months ago
Of course for the money sluggo you feel much better
snsurone76 6 months ago
Next panel: Spike beats up Sluggo and steals his money!
LoisG Premium Member 6 months ago
I DIDN’T know if anyone else has seen Sunday’s Hagar the Horrible yet – but if your local paper carries that strip, you should check it out. Helga tells Hagar that she believes they need to buy some art, so she drags him into a gallery. Inside, Classic Sluggo is the artist, who is showing a collection of Classic Nancy and Aunt Fritzi. Helga spots a picture of Aunt Fritzi in a bathing suit and begins dragging Hagar out of the gallery. Hagar tells Sluggo, I don’t know much about art, but I know what I’m not allowed to like! Very cute, all the way around.
Gent 6 months ago
Well that was nice of Richie Rich. He compensate.