Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for February 23, 2015

  1. Hatcat
    wiselad  about 10 years ago

    silly boy

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  2. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  about 10 years ago

    This cannot end well…….

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  3. Felixcomputer
    kennowenster  about 10 years ago

    Sluggo’s hairstyle IS hip! However, the Bob Seger T-Shirt undoes the whole thing. Poor Phil. He doesn’t realize how lucky he is.

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  4. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  about 10 years ago


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    Superhawk  about 10 years ago

    If you can lose her, you never had her. If you have her, you’ll never lose her.

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    grassler  about 10 years ago

    If Phi; is going to dare Fritzi to take the “Ice Bucket Challenge”. he’d better do it quickly before she loses all interest

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    jms.blake53  about 10 years ago

    Phil needs to understand that Fritzi loves what is on the inside not some much what is on the outside. New do would not make any difference to her. She is hot and she likes him the way he is.

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    Brown Leghorn  about 10 years ago

    Let her go and break it off, there is not enough left for you when she is that far into herself1

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  9. Jolie album
    brklnbern  about 10 years ago

    The hair is fine Phil. We already have the long haired uncles.

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    Jim Kerner  about 10 years ago

    Boy Phil. Are you asking the wrong person! Remember, “You Can’t Please Everybody. So, You’ve Got to Please Yourself”.

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