Mortgage documents are the best sleeping pill money can buy. Read at bedtime, they ensure quick and peaceful sleep in seconds. Try it next time you’re tossing and turning.
Actually my husband reads every line. That’s why what is usually a 30 minute “signing party” with a notary takes us about 3 hours. Needless to say, the notary usually isn’t very happy.
For that matter, who ever reads every line of any contract, except lawyers
Huh? Why not? Do you have a good lawyer (insert joke here) to read them for you? I read every legitimate contract I sign, since I’m either contracting my services and want to get paid, applying for a grant and need to know the terms and conditions, or borrowing a considerable sum of money and don’t want to be sent down the river with Charon as above. Although… a sip from the river Lethe would be nice…
Charon on the river Styx to the Land of the Dead. Everyone ends of up there, but Gods. They are immortal so they will never be there.
Oh, there are dead gods. Dead Cthulhu lies dreaming in his house at R’Lyeh, waiting for the stars to be right. Pan ceased to exist when people stopped believing in him. Enlil (or was it Marduk?) slew Tiamat in the Babylonian creation story Enûma Eliš, a precursor to the creation story in Genesis.
You know one time when I was downloading a new game and I had to read that contract that nobody reads, I just scrolled down randomly and stopped. I then read the first sentence that came to me. It said something to do with agreeing to let a monkey jump on my head. True story.
The#1BoiseStateFan over 12 years ago
The devil may be there, and for that re-fi contract, you might only not read every line, you pry had a 1% chance to pass in college
Ida No over 12 years ago
Death: “Yeah, business has been booming since those came out.”
mrbribery over 12 years ago
well, another fine mess you’ve got us into…
Pharmakeus Ubik over 12 years ago
Very reminiscent of “Come Then, Mortal-We Will Seek Her Soul” by Michael Shea.
psychlady over 12 years ago
Apparently not many!
thirdguy over 12 years ago
The boat looks a little like a hand basket.
loudmouthbass over 12 years ago
must be a fha loan
Justice22 over 12 years ago
Too many people are making this trip.
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
The terms are approved by the Lethal Dept., not Legal.
jreckard over 12 years ago
He looks like a real Styx-ler for the rules.
tripwire45 over 12 years ago
We’ve all got to go sometime.
roctor over 12 years ago
Mark of darkness.
LingeeWhiz over 12 years ago
We’re all in this boat right now. We’ve sold our soul as a free nation.
Digital Frog over 12 years ago
They gave up a nice home in suburbia to go live in the Styx.
StCleve72 over 12 years ago
Mortgage documents are the best sleeping pill money can buy. Read at bedtime, they ensure quick and peaceful sleep in seconds. Try it next time you’re tossing and turning.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 12 years ago
And richly deserved last boat ride, too. (The interest rate was very, very good. It was the closing costs that got them.)
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
Signing those contracts is a gamble…like rolling dem bones!
catzilla23 over 12 years ago
The devil is in the details.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
‘An oral contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on’. Samuel Goldwyn
jahoody over 12 years ago
“Abandon Hope all Ye who enter here” should be on the door of every bank.
JanLC over 12 years ago
Actually my husband reads every line. That’s why what is usually a 30 minute “signing party” with a notary takes us about 3 hours. Needless to say, the notary usually isn’t very happy.
g.iangoodson over 12 years ago
Styx and bones will break your stones.
1MadHat Premium Member over 12 years ago
What? No lifejackets?
Ernest Lemmingway over 12 years ago
Who reads every line on a re fi contract? Anyone who doesn’t want the bank to “Styx” it to them.
Jeff0811 over 12 years ago
I thought it was the river Styx.Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me,
Spamgaard over 12 years ago
For that matter, who ever reads every line of any contract, except lawyers
Huh? Why not? Do you have a good lawyer (insert joke here) to read them for you? I read every legitimate contract I sign, since I’m either contracting my services and want to get paid, applying for a grant and need to know the terms and conditions, or borrowing a considerable sum of money and don’t want to be sent down the river with Charon as above. Although… a sip from the river Lethe would be nice…
Spamgaard over 12 years ago
Oh, there are dead gods. Dead Cthulhu lies dreaming in his house at R’Lyeh, waiting for the stars to be right. Pan ceased to exist when people stopped believing in him. Enlil (or was it Marduk?) slew Tiamat in the Babylonian creation story Enûma Eliš, a precursor to the creation story in Genesis.
De_Faulto over 12 years ago
You know one time when I was downloading a new game and I had to read that contract that nobody reads, I just scrolled down randomly and stopped. I then read the first sentence that came to me. It said something to do with agreeing to let a monkey jump on my head. True story.