Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 06, 2015
Man: It's quiet here...what kinds of coffee do you have? Flo: Just one kind, deah. Coffee. Man: No baristas trying to engage me in a conscience-raising dialogue? Flo:, deah. Man: Hmph...gotta tell ya, this place is no starbucks. Flo: Oh. Well......Thank you, deah! Please tell all yawr friends. Man: Coffee is much better without social engineering.
I recently had a pleasant conversation with a cute nurse about how she had met her husband because of coffee, He’d asked her if she wanted to go get a drink with him…She said “No” because she didn’t drink. He asked her for coffee, she said “Yes” And the rest was history…I had to admit that I mostly drank Taster’s Choice…..This pleasant conversation took place during a prostate biopsy with tens of thousands dollars modern machine up my butt….Pleasant conversation though…….