Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 07, 2015
Ned: Wow...lots of new people here. Flo: A-yeh. News spread that this is the anti-stahbucks. Ned: Really? How'd that happen? Flo: I took a page from theah playbook, writin' a message on to-go cups. Cup reads: Mind your own business. Eddie: Reminds me of the time I got marooned on the isle of fiasco, off the coast of Italy. Flo: And a stampede fah the exit begins...
On a completely different topic has anyone else had a forced pop-up appear when they try to log into their account? You know the type where if you click the “X” it says “WAIT! THIS IS IMPORTANT!” I always use my task-manager instead of the close link in the ad. It irks me that I PAID to have a pro account so I wouldn’t have to deal with ads, but I still do, & creepy pfishing ones at that. I asked over on a different comic, but this one usually has MANY more comments.