One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for November 17, 2017

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    Argythree  over 7 years ago

    Doesn’t sound like a good idea, Rose…

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    burke129529  over 7 years ago

    Lucille sounds like Daddy. An 84-year-old amputee with problems with his vision and balance even before his leg was amputated, and he honestly thought that he could still drive with no problems. He finally admitted to me that he maybe shouldn’t drive anymore about a week before he died, but he only admitted it because he was having surgery to remove his other leg that day!

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    DanielJ.Drazen  over 7 years ago

    Here’s hoping the age of driverless cars gets here before I start falling apart like that.

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    kab buch  over 7 years ago

    Sorry I pass on that offer Rose.

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    GaryCooper  over 7 years ago

    My grandmother!

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    corpcasselbury  over 7 years ago

    Here in North Carolina a few years ago, a state trooper was on a busy highway and saw a car going the wrong way in the opposing lanes. He paralleled the car (no choice, actually, because of the terrain of the median), honking his horn and otherwise trying to get the other driver to stop. He finally did, and it turned out to be an elderly man who had gotten confused. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured in this incident.

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    JPuzzleWhiz  over 7 years ago

    Meanwhile, it’s the Name Game in today’s strip at

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    Asharah  over 7 years ago

    My mother never learned to drive, so that was one less battle when she got old.

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