Are “checks” really still a thing in America? I’ve not seen one in decades in Europe. When I tried to use a (British) one to open an account here in Switzerland in 2003, the teller didn’t know what it was and needed help from her manager.
Yes, four years of trump leadership has turned America a third world country. Our president gets laughed at when he goes to Europe because he is so stupid. It’s sad.
I use “Bill Pay” that takes the funds from my account electronically, then writes a paper check FOR me and mails it to the payee.Some of the items do go electronic, but those are only a few.
wiatr over 4 years ago
Then there’s that shrink ray…
danketaz Premium Member over 4 years ago
It’s the same reason we haven’t seen Verne’s thong in a while.
rekam Premium Member over 4 years ago
There’ll be bigger problems with the check. How can it ever get cashed and then what will George do with the funds?
RobertaSweat over 4 years ago
How in the world does he hope to cash the check?
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
We don’t want George gettin stolen by the government.
Mark Jeffrey Premium Member over 4 years ago
Are “checks” really still a thing in America? I’ve not seen one in decades in Europe. When I tried to use a (British) one to open an account here in Switzerland in 2003, the teller didn’t know what it was and needed help from her manager.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
George you figured out what time period you came from you can handle this ;-)
MS72 over 4 years ago
I have one that says “Donald J Trump”.
lars_doyle over 4 years ago
Yes, four years of trump leadership has turned America a third world country. Our president gets laughed at when he goes to Europe because he is so stupid. It’s sad.
Herb L 1954 over 4 years ago
Checks and balances.Something done in the past.Current resident is turning us into a dicktraitorship ;(
TMMILLER Premium Member over 4 years ago
I use “Bill Pay” that takes the funds from my account electronically, then writes a paper check FOR me and mails it to the payee.Some of the items do go electronic, but those are only a few.
Perkycat over 4 years ago
We certainly don’t want that “icky, icky, icky”!
Thinkingblade over 4 years ago
Well, didn’t we just see that if you blew Hammie’s mind you would find cherries or something in there?
dcoyote over 4 years ago
Still, I wonder how much they paid George. Whatever it is, George is worth it :)