Before this nightmare is over, it WON’T be illegal anymore to punch a journalist. Or, if that journalist is a woman, you can always grab her by the….you-know-what.
““[Reconstruction government was detested] not because the Republican Party was dreaded but because the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded.” – Woodrow Wilson
You left out the Lincoln writings where he shut down 300 newspapers and had journalists who disagreed with him arrested. So much more civilized that punching them in the head, n’est pas?
Let the Antifa nazis take care of the Rough Stuff. They’re happy to “play” for pay. Even Democrats are now decrying them as terroristic and violent outlaws.
“Outlawry”: now there’s a concept whose time may be coming again all too soon….
BE THIS GUY over 7 years ago
You can punch them and then pardon yourself.
Radish... over 7 years ago
Everyone in the White House is so polite these days.
They are all saying, “Pardon Me.”
Sherlock Watson over 7 years ago
Time for a “Match Game” moment:
“Dumb Donald is so dumb…”
How dumb is he?
“The last time he gave a speech, he held the microphone up to his [blank].”
darth_geekboy over 7 years ago
dRUMPf’s supporters are just as MORONIC as the BIGOTedDOOFUS-in-chief.
mharrel over 7 years ago
Franklin Roosevelt???
Tue Elung-Jensen over 7 years ago
“other side: fine to punch people you disagree with” so they have something in common there.
dlkrueger33 over 7 years ago
Before this nightmare is over, it WON’T be illegal anymore to punch a journalist. Or, if that journalist is a woman, you can always grab her by the….you-know-what.
mjb515 over 7 years ago
““[Reconstruction government was detested] not because the Republican Party was dreaded but because the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded.” – Woodrow Wilson
Masterskrain over 7 years ago
Yes, our “president” IS a rat…
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 7 years ago
I would vote for President Rat.
rshive over 7 years ago
Rat just said what most of them were probably thinking.
Ermine Notyours over 7 years ago
You can’t punch them in the head, so kick them in the Oompa Loompas instead.
rabizar over 7 years ago
ANY character drawn in this strip would make a better president than Rump.
Machtyn over 7 years ago
Just as bad as “When is tee time?”
greatUnknown over 7 years ago
You left out the Lincoln writings where he shut down 300 newspapers and had journalists who disagreed with him arrested. So much more civilized that punching them in the head, n’est pas?
Godfreydaniel over 7 years ago
Nixon didn’t go insane until shortly before resigning in disgrace, and even then his insanity was only temporary. The current lunatic, however………..
Number Three over 7 years ago
I’m a Receptionist and we get a lot of hate as well. Apparently we are “rude” and “unhelpful”
I’m not a Dr’s Receptionist. They really do it get it at every side!
SusieB over 7 years ago
Daniel Quilp over 7 years ago
Thomas Jefferson was not President when he penned the Declaration of Independence.
Sisyphos over 7 years ago
Let the Antifa nazis take care of the Rough Stuff. They’re happy to “play” for pay. Even Democrats are now decrying them as terroristic and violent outlaws.
“Outlawry”: now there’s a concept whose time may be coming again all too soon….
ND Cool Z about 6 years ago
Ned Dickens: Life’s an itch, but I can handle it.