Pickles by Brian Crane for January 30, 2019

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 6 years ago

    as much as I have a Facebook, I don’t recall seeing identical, consecutive posts after scrolling down

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    bookdoc123  about 6 years ago

    I do. It happens quite a lot, even on my own page! Very annoying.

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    enigmamz  about 6 years ago

    Makes me glad to not be on it. That, and the sharing of all your data to anyone with the money to buy it…

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    jpayne4040  about 6 years ago

    I’m a Facebook-holdout (and Instagram, Twitter, etc.) and proud of it!

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    Breadboard  about 6 years ago

    Hum ….. that identical post thing happens a lot here on GoComics ;-)

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  6. Ttle caesar 1931 behind the scenes making film 01
    Little Caesar  about 6 years ago

    Hum ….. that identical post thing happens a lot here on GoComics ;-)

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  7. Ttle caesar 1931 behind the scenes making film 01
    Little Caesar  about 6 years ago

    Hum ….. that identical post thing happens a lot here on GoComics ;-)

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  8. Ttle caesar 1931 behind the scenes making film 01
    Little Caesar  about 6 years ago

    Hum ….. that identical post thing happens a lot here on GoComics ;-)

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  9. Wolfietaroriginal
    Lycanthrope  about 6 years ago

    Does anyone still use Facebook? Poor souls.

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    dlkrueger33  about 6 years ago

    When that happens, I click “hide this post” so it no longer comes up in my newsfeed.

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    jagedlo  about 6 years ago

    I was going to say “Like they can hear you, Opal”…but given the way that Big Brother is watching, they probably can….

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    ireoftsubaki  about 6 years ago

    I use it, but only as a “public commentary” platform. Personal, private, and financial things don’t go there.

    As for pet peeves, Facebook frequently leaves my news feed completely blank while requesting that I add more friends. It’s very rude for them to hold my newsfeed hostage like that.

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    cubswin2016  about 6 years ago

    The Internet can rot your brain just as much as television.

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    e.groves  about 6 years ago

    I like facebook. It keeps my wife occupied.

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    SamT53  about 6 years ago

    So “Facebook – time well wasted” is no longer their slogan?

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    WCraft  about 6 years ago

    And quit wasting OUR time! Some of us have 100 more comics to read!

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 6 years ago

    We don’t know anything about wasting time, do we?

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    Stychen Tyme  about 6 years ago

    It’s pretty funny that everyone here complaining about Facebook is commenting on this site which is run by a large for-profit corporation using cookies to track your web browsing. You’re not as anonymous as you think. And ad-blockers don’t do as much as you think, either.

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    tkcoker  about 6 years ago

    Two nights ago I was out in my back yard and heard a noise that sounded like it could have been from a .22 rifle. Since I didn’t hear any police sirens going off I figured that it probably didn’t involve anyone getting shot and more than likely just some noise similar to a rifle shot. About an hour later MY wife came out to tell me that the neighbor across the street who was out of town had gotten a notice from a Facebook post that there had been a shooting, not a noise or anything close to that but a shooting in our neighborhood and we should all get indoors until we were notified that it was safe. I finally chased down the original post and some idiot in our neighborhood had posted that there had been a shooting and gave the address from where the shot came from. Their evidence was that they had heard the same noise that I had heard. By that time the whole neighborhood was in an uproar over it with one person saying that hopefully it was someone target practicing over on the old driving range behind us. Our neighborhood could be described as an upper-middle class one with about 45 houses in one section and about 45 in the other. I knew that not all of the residents were overflowing with common sense but this proves it. Folks, I can clap two boards together and it will sound just like a rifle shot. Maybe I need to start doing that every night around 10:00 just to see what kind of confusion I can create.

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  about 6 years ago

    Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table, at the looney bin.

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    Walter Kocker  about 6 years ago

    “I didn’t know what Facebook was, and now that I do know what it is, I have to say, it sounds like a huge waste of time.

    I would never say the people on it are losers, but that’s only because I’m polite.." – Betty White

    Wise words, indeed.

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  22. Buster brown
    Alien-X  about 6 years ago

    Simple solution: Quit Facebook.

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