Hi all. I am curious. As the rise of podcast has come, What do you listen to/consume in order to learn and grow?Personally, I listen to BBC World News, which while anglo-centric is further looking than anything I found in the US, The Water Margin Podcast (a chinese novel that is translated and brought into modern context), and VOM Radio (Christian news from around the world).
Podcasts are mostly owned by one of the 7 media mega corps, just as they own TV networks,Radio networks, Newspapers and of course local TV/Radio stations
Cheapskate0 almost 5 years ago
Got a point, there, Winslow.
jmworacle almost 5 years ago
NO, No, No, IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT! The Easter Bunny told me so.
froxis.820 almost 5 years ago
Hi all. I am curious. As the rise of podcast has come, What do you listen to/consume in order to learn and grow?Personally, I listen to BBC World News, which while anglo-centric is further looking than anything I found in the US, The Water Margin Podcast (a chinese novel that is translated and brought into modern context), and VOM Radio (Christian news from around the world).
mauser7 almost 5 years ago
Took a lot of Mass Comm. classes in school, trust me Talk Radio stations were just as Bad, and this was BEFORE Limbaugh.
RobinHood almost 5 years ago
So just become some background noise
A backdrop for the girls and boys
Who just don’t know and just don’t care
And must complain because he’s there
You had your time, but not the power
You think this is your finest hour
Podcast (podcast)
All we hear is internet ga ga
Internet goo goo
All we hear is internet ga ga
Podcast goo goo
Internet ga ga
All we hear is internet ga ga
Podcast blah blah
Internet, what’s new?
Internet, snowflakes still love you.
Apoligies Roger Taylor
Wichita1.0 almost 5 years ago
Not ‘learn’ necessarily, but I listen to a bit of 3AW from Australia.
timbob2313 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Podcasts are mostly owned by one of the 7 media mega corps, just as they own TV networks,Radio networks, Newspapers and of course local TV/Radio stations
Kip Williams almost 5 years ago
“In my day, only special muttonheads did this.”