Prickly City by Scott Stantis for April 14, 2020

  1. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 5 years ago

    Frighteningly accurate.

    Families, underpaid workers with no sick leave,

    And even the Tiger King.

    And with those tigers ending up in wildlife refuges here in Colorado, I, too, agree, that show doesn’t sound very good…

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  almost 5 years ago

    Yes, there are some silver linings to the COVID-19 cloud.

    Pollution down. Traffic down. Crime down. Telemarketing down. Junk mail down. Fossil fuel consumption down. No school shootings. Certainly not everything is sustainable on a permanent basis, but a lot is.

    Those who heed science survive and thrive; those who ignore and reject science and want to “own the libs” self-select for a “voter suppression” (or self-selected evolutionary elimination) that the PROgressives would never have sought or wanted to impose.

    Darwin can be ignored; Darwin cannot be escaped.

    Hopefully on the other side of this, people will find that they liked working from home, no long commute, companies saved money on facilities, no expensive travel to meetings and conferences that could be Zoomed… Hopefully many of the changes will remain permanent.

    And NO MORE HANDSHAKES, ever, and never elect another goldarn Republican again.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    “I take no responsibility for any of it.”

    “Anyone who wants a test can get a test.”

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  4. Img 1931
    Sanspareil  almost 5 years ago

    And yet the 40 percent easily led trumpherroids will fight tooth and nail to sabotage their own lives and futures!

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Ruptured our economy, causing a serious recession and causing massive inflation almost immediately. That two trillion dollars has to come from somewhere, and they’re talking about two more.

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  6. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    Peter Navarro: what Trump’s Covid-19 tsar lacks in expertise, he makes up

    The rise of Peter Navarro – the man put in charge of marshalling emergency US production of medical equipment in the midst of a pandemic – is in many ways a classic story of the Trump era.

    The 70-year-old White House trade adviser was first recruited by Trump because he wrote a string of books about the Chinese strategic threat – one called Death by China – despite having spent almost no time in the country and having no grasp of the language.

    Five of Navarro’s books cited a China hand with a particularly pithy turn of phrase called Ron Vara, who turned out not to exist.

    The name is an anagram of Navarro and the imaginary expert operated as an alter ego, confirming the author’s views.

    Navarro made headlines in the past week by challenging Dr Anthony Fauci – the nation’s leading immunologist and the public face of the US scientific community’s race to contain Covid-19 – in a showdown in the White House situation room over the merits of an experimental drug.

    When asked later why he thought he was qualified to start recommending pharmaceuticals to the nation, Navarro replied: “My qualifications in terms of looking at the science is that I’m a social scientist. I have a PhD. And I understand how to read statistical studies, whether it’s in medicine, the law, economics or whatever.”

    People who have worked closely with Navarro agree he is undoubtedly bright. He holds a PhD in economics from Harvard.

    But there is nothing in his career to date that suggests he has the credentials or experience to manage the state intervention necessary to steer US industry towards producing the masks, gowns, ventilators and other life-saving supplies the country will need over the course of this pandemic.

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  7. 3083024 0826053922 daveb
    Kaputnik  almost 5 years ago

    I have NetFlix, but have not watched any in at least a month. Really ought to get rid of it. Heard of Tiger King, but it doesn’t sound tempting.

    I did drop Amazon Prime. But then, even though I’m an “essential” worker, our business took such a huge hit that they cut our pay. Supposedly it’s “temporary”. We’ll see.

    I’ve been binge reading and indulging a couple of hobbies, but I can do that perfectly well without the virus.

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  8. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal’s Zach Weinersmith and Nate Silver’s have teamed up to give a 105 panel comic on ‘A Comic Strip Tour Of The Wild World Of Pandemic Modeling’.

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  9. Aoh14gglcztgsgoqmeywrnbvdsjgk o 6fdg7dap29oecg
    GeraldDreisewerd  almost 5 years ago

    And don’t forget that less people are dying from cancer, heart disease and other maladies. They’re still dying but now it’s blamed on COVID.

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  10. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    Uh Oh, Trumpers….


    Liberal Jill Karofsky wins Wisconsin Supreme Court election, defeating conservative justice Daniel Kelly

    MADISON – Dane County Circuit Judge Jill Karofsky won the race for Wisconsin Supreme Court, narrowing the conservative majority after a tumultuous election conducted in the midst of a global pandemic, according to unofficial results released Monday.

    Karofsky’s victory marked the first time in a dozen years that a Supreme Court challenger beat an incumbent — and just the second time in more than half a century. Her win over Justice Daniel Kelly will shift conservative control of the court from 5-2 to 4-3.

    Appearing by video conference from her home with her son and daughter behind her, Karofsky thanked her family and supporters and decried the decision to hold the election during the coronavirus outbreak.

    “Look, we shouldn’t have had the election on Tuesday,” she said. "It was an untenable decision (on whether to vote), but the people of the state of Wisconsin rose up.

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  11. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  almost 5 years ago

    Who’d want to watch an egomaniacal hired killer? I can get that on the news.

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  12. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 5 years ago

    (Mentioned under Fuzzbucket above):

    A great irony: All this talk of rent suspensions – which are needed – but no talk of bank holidays! If landlords didn’t have to worry about mortgage payments, then rent holidays wouldn’t be such a problem.

    Why is it, from the Great Depression, to the Great Recession, to today, the only ones who get REAL protection are the BANKS?

    And I wouldn’t even care about that if it weren’t that, the bank’s debts forgiven, they don’t pay it forward, forgiving those who owe them.

    Matthew 18:23 – 35

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    MollyCat  almost 5 years ago

    What is Tiger King? On second thoughts don’t bother to tell me, I wouldn’t be interested anyway.

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