Fishes is only correct under certain circumstances. Fish can refer to multiple fish, especially when they are all the same species of fish. However, fishes usually refers to multiple species of fish, especially in scientific contexts. If you say fishes in normal conversation expect people to look at you funny.
eromlig almost 2 years ago
But "deer: is the plural of deer — not “deers.”
Can anyone see this? Please respond.
Templo S.U.D. almost 2 years ago
Regarding Vincent van Gogh, I feel Don McLean (or Josh Groban covering him) coming on.
alscoonz2 almost 2 years ago
Say what now, Templo?
monkeysky almost 2 years ago
Speaking of finding mythical creatures in yards, does anyone else here believe in gnomes?
jmolay161 almost 2 years ago
About ten years ago, I saw what was supposed to be the largest T-rex fossil, named Sue, at the Chicago Field Museum.
jmolay161 almost 2 years ago
T-rex mostly in No. America? Well, too bad—-the killer asteroid hit right below North America, off Yucatan.
fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Vinnie couldn’t afford that much for supplies during the first 10 years of his artistic life.
cripplious almost 2 years ago
People say government doesnt care but whoever wrote back to this child should get a raise.
therese_callahan2002 almost 2 years ago
Those portraits were hung in empty halls.
Indiana Guy Premium Member almost 2 years ago
If the plural of “mouse” is “mice”, why isn’t the plural of “house” actually “hice”?
Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Yes but me fossils will be found in London, they will. ~ Marc Bolan
Take care, may famed unicorn whisperer George “Ask Me No Questions I’ll Tell You No Lies” Santosord be with you, and gesundheit.
Guybrush Threepwood almost 2 years ago
Uh… why, what are people using instead for “fishes”?
FGWaiss almost 2 years ago
Bless the official who wrote that license.
oakie817 almost 2 years ago
so i fishes for fishes…and sound like Popeye
mpolo11 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Octopi or octopuses also.
ChessPirate almost 2 years ago
Hmm, and all this time, I thought Van Gogh only produced old paintings during the last ten years of his life…
comixbomix almost 2 years ago
To anyone who fishes for fishes – my compliments.
Pedmar Premium Member almost 2 years ago
“Come with me and I will make you fishes of men.”
I know that’s wrong. I was making a joke! It’s supposed to be “fissures.”
Ha! Another joke!
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea; joy to you and me!
viperfuel60 almost 2 years ago
Fishes is only correct under certain circumstances. Fish can refer to multiple fish, especially when they are all the same species of fish. However, fishes usually refers to multiple species of fish, especially in scientific contexts. If you say fishes in normal conversation expect people to look at you funny.
Cathy P. almost 2 years ago
My offering for today: You don’t need a parachute to go skydiving. You need one to go skydiving twice.
PouluCBagumba almost 2 years ago
the “T” in “T-rex” stands for “train”.
WCraft almost 2 years ago
So, Van Gogh was cranking out a new painting every 4 days? Impressive!
marc rossi Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Is there a way Vincent could have turned out any OLD paintings during that time? DUHHH!!
wwward1948 almost 2 years ago
I always thought it was…