Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for August 19, 2023

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    j_m_kuehl  over 1 year ago

    Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s off too sleep I Go

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    Zykoic  over 1 year ago

    I thought those ants were playing possum.

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    profbob  over 1 year ago

    Sheeran is interesting, the opposite of Prince Harry who was famous and slept at Buckingham Palace and now infamous sleeps outside the place.

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    ECU CHP  over 1 year ago

    Winston-Salem’s Reynolds Building was the model for the Empire State Building, one of the world’s most iconic skyscrapers. The connection is so strong that executives from the Empire State Building sent the Reynolds Building a thank-you card on its 50th birthday. The Reynolds Building was constructed in 1929 by Shreve and Lamb, who would design the Empire State Building a few years later based on the same plans. The iconic shape of the two buildings is the same, though the Empire State Building has 102 floors whereas the Reynolds Building has 22. For nearly a century, the Reynolds Building was the home office for the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. The Reynolds Building was named “Building of the Year” by the National Association of Architects, won the 1984 Art Deco Society of New York award for best restoration and was the tallest building in the South for 35 years.

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    cmerb  over 1 year ago

    Just what happened to the " Super " great jokes and the lovable stories that where in this cartoon ?

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  6. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member over 1 year ago

    To the Royals credit they did invite Ed in but he told them he was afraid he’d wake them with his thinking out loud habit. LOL.. oh I got a million of ’em. The Elvis ones are the most fun. Costello not that big headed hound dog guy.

    May the chord be with you as it is with me. Aaaaaannndd … GESUNDHEIT.

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  7. Hm
    cdnalor  over 1 year ago

    Everyone who isn’t a royal or their staff sleeps outside Buckingham Palace. We’re just farther away.

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  8. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  over 1 year ago

    I looked up the Reynolds building. It doesn’t look like the Empire State Building at all.

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    Will E. Makeit Premium Member over 1 year ago

    those worker ants have one heckuva union agreement..

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    greenlynn Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Oklahoma City’s First National building was modeled after NYC Empire State building.

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    ratherb44 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Those ants must have a really good union.

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    markhughw  over 1 year ago

    and it is now condos

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    petermerck  over 1 year ago

    Similarly, Before John Roebling built the Brooklyn Bridge, he built a suspension bridge between Cincinnati and Covington Ky across the Ohio River. It looks like a smaller version and is still in use today.

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    oakie817  over 1 year ago

    so Ed can list his previous address as ‘Buckingham Palace’?

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    viperfuel60  over 1 year ago

    Reminds me of the city hall in Vancouver BC

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  16. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  over 1 year ago

    Do ants sleep?

    They sure do. And just like us, the amount of sleep they need varies.Queen fire ants fall into relatively long, deep sleeps and kip for an average of nine hours every day. The busy worker ants, on the other hand, get their rest by taking hundreds of short power naps.

    Do snails sleep?

    Certain snails can sleep for up to three years. Strewth! And we thought we loved to sleep.Snails need moisture to survive, and if they don’t get enough, it’s been reported that they can fall into hibernation.We’ll be honest — it’s nice to know we’re not the only ones that struggle with the change of seasons.

    Do flies sleep?

    Yes, even flies need a little shut-eye. They tend to find a sheltered sleeping spot, under leaves or twigs, away from things that might eat them and out of the wind or rain.After a busy day of prospecting, flies tend to get tired around sunset, which means you’ll be less likely to see them once the sun goes down.

    Do spiders sleep?

    You would think with all those eyes and legs that a spider would need heaps of sleep. But here’s the thing: they don’t technically sleep. (Yeah, that’s probably not what you wanted to hear.)They have daily cycles of activity and rest, where they’re most active at night when there’s less chance of them becoming a tasty snack for a hungry bird. And fun fact: spiders can’t actually close their eyes because they don’t have eyelids. Yeah, you probably didn’t wanna hear that either.

    Do bees sleep?

    They do, indeed. Honeybees sleep between five and eight hours, mostly at night when there’s less going on. They sleep with their wings resting against their bodies, and some like to hold each other’s legs while sleeping. That’s pretty darn cute.There’s even research that shows some types of bees like to sleep in groups.

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  17. Bluedog
    Bilan  over 1 year ago

    The building in North Carolina isn’t quite an empire, so they called it the Duchy State.

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    h.v.greenman  over 1 year ago

    Who or what is an Ed Sheeran?

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