Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for May 13, 2015

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    Argythree  almost 10 years ago

    “Grocery Inspector”, also known as “Busybody Nebby nose”

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    rshive  almost 10 years ago

    Have her inspect the kale.

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    Strider Keninginne Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Is anyone here wanting Rose to have a ‘Vicky’ moment with this ‘Grocery Inspector’?

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    Rowan54  almost 10 years ago

    Oh, yeah, let’s have Vicki vs. the Grocery Inspector!

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    Sharon Hayes  almost 10 years ago

    Are there people who really do something like this?

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    abbybookcase  almost 10 years ago

    what do people have against beets? my ex had a bridge group with a friend from work coming. my ex was telling her friend that it was a crowd of people who are kind of different. her work friend responded, “as long as they don’t have sex on the bridge table, make me eat beets, or watch john travolta movies, it’s ok” Beets??

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  7. Calvinhobbscalmdown
    texasl  almost 10 years ago

    I usually have cat food and chocolate bars in the cart, along with an eclectic collection of other things. If I see a grocery cart inspector eyeing the cart I just look at them and make a comment about my dinner parties being more interesting than most.

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  8. Bill watson1b
    BillWa  almost 10 years ago

    Rose’s “friend” is proof that some people are alive simply because it is illegal to kill them.

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    Doctor11  almost 10 years ago

    This is where I would say, “Thanks for the help, but I really need to get going. Bye!” And get out of there as fast as possible.

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    meowlin  almost 10 years ago

    I’d just say, “I take it you’re not planning on keeping that hand

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  11. Aslan avatar
    Aslan Balaur  almost 10 years ago

    First hand in MY cart is coming back a stump! I do my shopping, not some “Grocery Inspector” and I am extremely careful about my choices.

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    38lowell  almost 10 years ago

    But, who inspects her?

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    38lowell  almost 10 years ago

    DR:Purple pickled eggs?What’s the rest of the rhyme?

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    kelloggs2066  over 2 years ago

    Too many people out there these days have an overwhelming desire to tell people what to do.

    And they end up working for the Government.

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