My horse seemed to like hay but I always wondered why since green grass should taste better than dried hay by my way of thinking. Of course, sometimes the hay was still green and the horse seemed to like that better.
It’s true. We owners/handlers, more often than not, are simply viewed as the maid or a vending machine. The maid is forgiven an occasional day off (manure waits patiently where it’s left) but GOD forbid that vending machine is empty!
Used to live next to some people who had horses. I got permission to give them treats and I loved talking to them. When we had some to spare, they loved alfalfa cubes. One horse loved apple pieces and the other loved carrots.
My goats love horse cookie treats. Even their livestock guardian puppy loves to eat the cookies. Guess she thinks if the goats eat them she must have some as well.
ajmsdca about 3 years ago
Any good horse owner carries some kind of treat. Horses can smell carrots up to 3 days later on the hand that fed it, in spite of soap and water.
kelloggs2066 about 3 years ago
Horses love apples too!
SharkNose about 3 years ago
Mee Maw’s other horse is named “Eleanor”. :)
jagedlo about 3 years ago
What the hay? And dessert too?
DM2860 about 3 years ago
My horse seemed to like hay but I always wondered why since green grass should taste better than dried hay by my way of thinking. Of course, sometimes the hay was still green and the horse seemed to like that better.
pheets about 3 years ago
It’s true. We owners/handlers, more often than not, are simply viewed as the maid or a vending machine. The maid is forgiven an occasional day off (manure waits patiently where it’s left) but GOD forbid that vending machine is empty! about 3 years ago
Eleanor and Rigby?BeaTLES FAN?
PoodleGroomer about 3 years ago
Corn chips are a good treat. They are just cornmeal, salt, and oil.
eladee AKA Wally about 3 years ago
I love Rigby the horse. He adds a lot to the strip, as does MeeMaw.
Nicki's ZoMcYo about 3 years ago
Used to live next to some people who had horses. I got permission to give them treats and I loved talking to them. When we had some to spare, they loved alfalfa cubes. One horse loved apple pieces and the other loved carrots.
Nobody_Important about 3 years ago
My goats love horse cookie treats. Even their livestock guardian puppy loves to eat the cookies. Guess she thinks if the goats eat them she must have some as well.
Yakety Sax about 3 years ago
Her ability to carry a bale of hay reminds me of my Dad when he was a young man, carrying two bales, one in each hand, by the wires.