Our cat got rid of any collar within seconds. But he learned to use the door bell we installed for him at the back door, whenever he wants to come inside.
I feed some outdoor cats all of whom I captured and either spayed or neutered. They are great to be around. Two if them are good friends and they come up to me meowing at me and allowing me to pet them.
Superfrog over 3 years ago
He’s a ring-in.
Jayalexander over 3 years ago
The cat must be deaf since most can hear the can opener in the next block.
Jml58 over 3 years ago
The mice had finally belled the cat.
unfair.de over 3 years ago
Our cat got rid of any collar within seconds. But he learned to use the door bell we installed for him at the back door, whenever he wants to come inside.
Doug K over 3 years ago
… and then he’s like Pavlov’s cat.
AtariDragon over 3 years ago
A whole lot of feral cats understand the food can just as well.
Zebrastripes over 3 years ago
Food does that to kitties!
cactusbob333 over 3 years ago
Doin’ the old cancan.
Spewak Premium Member over 3 years ago
This is soooo my two Feral cats! We call them Big Head and Little Head! Excellent comic!
mpolo11 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Sir Uncle Rat69 over 3 years ago
I feed some outdoor cats all of whom I captured and either spayed or neutered. They are great to be around. Two if them are good friends and they come up to me meowing at me and allowing me to pet them.
stillfickled Premium Member over 3 years ago
I like the “jingles.”
Ofissa Pup Premium Member over 3 years ago
Dave Coverly can draw anything. The themes chance but not the quality.