Super-Fun-Pak Comix by Ruben Bolling for March 30, 2021

  1. F72798fc 23b3 4446 ba71 c86071cde6f1
    Strob  almost 4 years ago

    The kicker is that the pigeon, unlike the cartoonist, also actually knows how to spell “someone”. :-)

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  2. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  almost 4 years ago

    The bird says, “Say, why don’t cha never feeds me some gazpacho?”

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  3. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  almost 4 years ago


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  4. Wcfields
    Funny_Ha_Ha  almost 4 years ago

    I wish it had a longer explanation.

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  5. Waldo
    Indianapolis Smith  almost 4 years ago

    Would one then assume the pigeon is actually smarter than the stereotypical white male (not known for intellectual prowess)?

    Should the pigeon then be throwing something “white male” oriented to the park sitter? “Jack Daniels” maybe?

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  6. Missing large
    johnkuhnlein Premium Member almost 4 years ago


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