And an object on the couch likes to stay on the couch, until it runs out of beer.
Newton’s Law of Beer: For every can that goes in, a can of “reaction” has to come out. Thus the invention of halftime.
Must be 3rd and goal from their own 7.
For every referee call, my team is right when the ref is, and right when the ref is wrong, too!
Sir newton is going to get a rude surprise in about an hour after eating Jalapino nachos! I hope he understands the workings of in door plumbing.
There might be a bit of alchemy involved………
Bill Hinds
August 01, 2014
Geophyzz over 7 years ago
And an object on the couch likes to stay on the couch, until it runs out of beer.
For a Just and Peaceful World over 7 years ago
Newton’s Law of Beer: For every can that goes in, a can of “reaction” has to come out. Thus the invention of halftime.
McGehee over 7 years ago
Must be 3rd and goal from their own 7.
Godfreydaniel over 7 years ago
For every referee call, my team is right when the ref is, and right when the ref is wrong, too!
kodj kodjin over 7 years ago
Sir newton is going to get a rude surprise in about an hour after eating Jalapino nachos! I hope he understands the workings of in door plumbing.
Godfreydaniel over 7 years ago
There might be a bit of alchemy involved………