Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for May 21, 2019

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    laughingkitty  over 5 years ago

    Today is National Waiter and Waitresses Day. It’s also strawberries & Cream Day. So cows, someone is gonna have to “fiddle with your udders” so we can have some cream for our strawberries.

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    ladykat Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I miss the Far Side. I’m glad I can see reruns of Calvin & Hobbes on this site. I didn’t know Ballard Street had ended its run.

    Hmmm – Strawberries & cream day – I wonder if I would be excommunicated for substituting raspberries?

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    jessegooddog  over 5 years ago

    The Far Side snake episodes were always my favorite, but the cows were truly interesting.

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    jessegooddog  over 5 years ago

    Of course, all creatures are lesser to cats, especially certain warehouse dwellers.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Where’s Chicken?

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  6. Booboo
    bbear  over 5 years ago

    Today’s BBEAR posts:

    1. A short kitty video for you: This kitty wanted outside so bad. See why he change his mind in 2 seconds.


    2. Mom! Help me!


    3. A catitude post: how Lily ended up living in the Ten Cat Warehouse. (Watch out Annie!)


    4. Can’t you hear the music???? Run away! Run away!


    5. It’s all a matter of your point of view.


    6. This rude cat is delivering his opinion of the new cat food. (OK I guess my cat could be worse.)


    7. This is for those of you who are addicted to Game of Thrones.


    8. “Ugh. Hooman, I’m not amused.”


    9. Who is more relieved, the cat or his owner?


    10. Cats with unusual markings post: with these kittens, love is in the air.


    11. A Cat-squirrel. Somebody got some ’splaining to do!


    12. When reality sets in and you realize you are behind in your work because it’s not Sunday.


    13. I’m innocent. Get me out of here! Adopt me now!


    14 pictures and 1 video were posted on *Ten Cats Fan Club this morning

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    kd1sq Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Alpha Cat Update

    A neighbor came by, was looking at the yard and saw AC amongst the ducklings. He thought AC was going to catch and kill some of them.

    Neighbor starts towards the duckling to rescue it.

    AC starts snarling and coming towards the neighbor.

    Neighbor wisely backs off.

    AC continues with the duckling, picks it up in his mouth, carries it a few feet and drops it back into the pen it had escaped from.

    AC has a very strong sense of family.

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  8. Bluebell s kittens
    Mary  over 5 years ago

    Heading over to Boston this Thursday for some kitten therapy. My cousin is fostering two young’uns. She sent me photos, and they are adorable!

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    poopsypoo Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Well, sarcasm was Larsen’s handle & Watterson was a genius with a kid who spoke like an adult so maybe we’re seeing the start of something new!! Hooray for vision!!!

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    poopsypoo Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Well at least the Fox knew what kind of animal she was!

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    poopsypoo Premium Member over 5 years ago

    You know, I never expected the autocorrect to change what I was typing when it was a correct word, but it DID!!! How could it mess up what I meant to say! Substitute “cow” for “fox” in my previous memo & you will find what I was talking about! Ok, sorry for the rant! I just get angry at autocorrect.

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    tad1  over 5 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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    PuppyPapa  over 5 years ago

    Larson lives forever!

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    tad1  over 5 years ago

    The Far Side is one of the greatest comics ever made. It’s also one of the most imitated. Some of the imitations are actually really good. (Almost like tributes to Gary Larson’s genius.) Others are kind of dumb. It’s ironic that some of the Far Side imitations have lasted longer than The far Side itself.

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  15. Beth and lamb
    sweetpeapete  over 5 years ago

    Calvin and Hobbes “reruns” are on Go Comics.

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