From yesterday’s comments -valeries said,“I enjoy laughingkitty’s “special day” posts as well as dbrucepm’s “what happened this day” comments. Thank you to both.”
And ladykat replied,“I also enjoy laughingkitty’s posts, along with dbrucepm’s. Thanks to you both for enriching my day.”
And I want to thank you both for your comments. I know there has been a troll here occasionally who does not appreciate our comments , because they don’t pertain to the strip. But as long as people like our posts, I’m going to keep right on doing it. And I want to add my thanks to dbrucepm for his additions to my posts with his “On this day” posts. I have learned things from his posts. Thank you.
From yesterday’s comments -valeries said,“I enjoy laughingkitty’s “special day” posts as well as dbrucepm’s “what happened this day” comments. Thank you to both.”
And ladykat replied,“I also enjoy laughingkitty’s posts, along with dbrucepm’s. Thanks to you both for enriching my day.”
And I want to thank you both for your comments. I know there has been a troll here occasionally who does not appreciate our comments , because they don’t pertain to the strip. But as long as people like our posts, I’m going to keep right on doing it. And I want to add my thanks to dbrucepm for his additions to my posts with his “On this day” posts. I have learned things from his posts. Thank you.