From yesterday’s comments, Publius10608218 said, “My kitty woke me at 4 this morning only to return later and keep sleeping when I had to get up for work at 7. I had to get out of bed around her while she just stretched and rolled over. Wish we could switch indeed.”
This is why I love working the second shift. My work shift doesn’t start until 2:00 in the afternoon. So, I never have to get up early in the morning. I usually go to bed between 2:30 and 3:00 in the morning and get up at around 10:30. My cats are very good at NOT waking me up early in the morning. Several years ago, my work shift was from 7:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon. That meant that I had to get up at around 6:00 in the morning. Ugh! Very hard for someone who has never been a morning person. Even the day I was born, I didn’t come around until 2:30 or so in the afternoon. It was always hard for me to get up early in the morning and watch all the cats on my bed stretch out and go back to sleep while I had to get dressed and start my day. I couldn’t help feeling jealous of them. But now, even if the cats stay in my bed after I get up, it’s okay because I don’t get up until I’m ready to get up. My cats do the same.
From yesterday’s comments -valeries said,“I enjoy laughingkitty’s “special day” posts as well as dbrucepm’s “what happened this day” comments. Thank you to both.”
And ladykat replied,“I also enjoy laughingkitty’s posts, along with dbrucepm’s. Thanks to you both for enriching my day.”
And I want to thank you both for your comments. I know there has been a troll here occasionally who does not appreciate our comments , because they don’t pertain to the strip. But as long as people like our posts, I’m going to keep right on doing it. And I want to add my thanks to dbrucepm for his additions to my posts with his “On this day” posts. I have learned things from his posts. Thank you.
Another great poem. It pays to bee careful. Of course, the bee would bee in danger if it was around Lily instead of Bluebell. On another note, saw eight golden crowned kinglets and ten chickadees while out walking today.
Shikamoo Premium Member 3 days ago
To bee, or not to bee.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 3 days ago
Don’t worry…bee happy.
Willi Nilli Premium Member 3 days ago
Where is UFO?
laughingkitty 3 days ago
Bee-ware of Bluebell! Or you may not bee long in this world!
laughingkitty 3 days ago
Today is:
laughingkitty 3 days ago
From yesterday’s comments, Publius10608218 said, “My kitty woke me at 4 this morning only to return later and keep sleeping when I had to get up for work at 7. I had to get out of bed around her while she just stretched and rolled over. Wish we could switch indeed.”
This is why I love working the second shift. My work shift doesn’t start until 2:00 in the afternoon. So, I never have to get up early in the morning. I usually go to bed between 2:30 and 3:00 in the morning and get up at around 10:30. My cats are very good at NOT waking me up early in the morning. Several years ago, my work shift was from 7:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon. That meant that I had to get up at around 6:00 in the morning. Ugh! Very hard for someone who has never been a morning person. Even the day I was born, I didn’t come around until 2:30 or so in the afternoon. It was always hard for me to get up early in the morning and watch all the cats on my bed stretch out and go back to sleep while I had to get dressed and start my day. I couldn’t help feeling jealous of them. But now, even if the cats stay in my bed after I get up, it’s okay because I don’t get up until I’m ready to get up. My cats do the same.
laughingkitty 3 days ago
From yesterday’s comments -valeries said,“I enjoy laughingkitty’s “special day” posts as well as dbrucepm’s “what happened this day” comments. Thank you to both.”
And ladykat replied,“I also enjoy laughingkitty’s posts, along with dbrucepm’s. Thanks to you both for enriching my day.”
And I want to thank you both for your comments. I know there has been a troll here occasionally who does not appreciate our comments , because they don’t pertain to the strip. But as long as people like our posts, I’m going to keep right on doing it. And I want to add my thanks to dbrucepm for his additions to my posts with his “On this day” posts. I have learned things from his posts. Thank you.
jessegooddoggy 3 days ago
Bluebell, I expect better from you than threatening our bees!!!
bloodykate 3 days ago
Very clever, GH!
bloodykate 3 days ago
And that is a very cute bee!
ladykat 3 days ago
Short, sweet, and definitely to the point, Bluebell!
dbrucepm 3 days ago
Burma Shave
tad1 2 days ago
tad1 2 days ago
Another great poem. It pays to bee careful. Of course, the bee would bee in danger if it was around Lily instead of Bluebell. On another note, saw eight golden crowned kinglets and ten chickadees while out walking today.