And then there’s the Staring at the Filthy Hound (with disgust) and the Staring at the Evil Squirrels (with concern) and the Staring at the Empty Food Bowl (with dismay) and the Staring at the Tabby Brothers (with superiority).
Moose could give The Mittens a run for his money in a stare contest. Our Dead Spot (in her pre-dead years) would stare at the wall and talk to it. We used to ask if she was conversing with Dead Granny.(my mother) Moose doesn’t talk, though. Just stares.
Cats are masters of the Thousand-Yard Stare that I had previously only associated with “shell shock” victims. Basically, they hold their field of view steady so that the tiniest movement of grass caused by prey will be noticeable. Cats act a little weirder on windy days because there are hundreds of “false targets” being presented.
Now, if the cat is staring at you , that is a message you need to figure out. A cat only stares at another cat when considering combat potentials. It is considered rude and is enough, of itself, to start a fight.
FreyjaRN Premium Member 12 months ago
Very punny, Mitty. Want to be pun pals?
cat19632001 12 months ago
And then there’s the Staring at the Filthy Hound (with disgust) and the Staring at the Evil Squirrels (with concern) and the Staring at the Empty Food Bowl (with dismay) and the Staring at the Tabby Brothers (with superiority).
Queen of America 12 months ago
Moose could give The Mittens a run for his money in a stare contest. Our Dead Spot (in her pre-dead years) would stare at the wall and talk to it. We used to ask if she was conversing with Dead Granny.(my mother) Moose doesn’t talk, though. Just stares.
SusieB 12 months ago
Mama Angie is in for some exciting after dinner entertainment
ladykat Premium Member 12 months ago
All my cats are stare masters.
DorseyBelle 12 months ago
Pay attention. There will be a test.
prrdh 12 months ago
What flavor is the stare when you’re contemplating your effanineffable Name?
bobpedersen Premium Member 12 months ago
“Stare master” is a pretty good joke!
mistercatworks 12 months ago
Cats are masters of the Thousand-Yard Stare that I had previously only associated with “shell shock” victims. Basically, they hold their field of view steady so that the tiniest movement of grass caused by prey will be noticeable. Cats act a little weirder on windy days because there are hundreds of “false targets” being presented.
Now, if the cat is staring at you , that is a message you need to figure out. A cat only stares at another cat when considering combat potentials. It is considered rude and is enough, of itself, to start a fight.