Lighten up Brutus, you’ve got the best of both worlds. The love and loyalty of a faithful companion, without all of the little white lies we say to keep the peace. (No Gladys, that dress does not make your butt look big.)
To keep my wife happy, I go along with exchanging VD cards (hmm . . . never noticed the significance of that abbreviation before). To keep us both happy, we go shopping together for a box of candy to share, usually the day after, when anything with a big heart on it is 50% off!
Since I am going to be in the doghouse for forgetting St Valentines’s Day anyway, might as well share it with someone who loves me. That being said, I doubt that Brutus could or would have forgotten the day and has surprises for his wife later on and is just letting his son have the moment. Good man that he is…..
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Then if Wiberforce has the Oedipus complex Brutus must begin to worry.
nosirrom almost 4 years ago
Dogs will be your valentine every day, not just Valentine’s Day.
wjones almost 4 years ago
So, A dog is the best valentine you can hope for.
oldpine52 almost 4 years ago
I think Brutus got the better end of that deal.
stillfickled Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Is Kewpie blind in one eye?
jmworacle almost 4 years ago
This generation’s “Charlie Brown”.
LookingGlass Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I wonder IF Kewpie will share his doghouse with Brutus, after this fiasco??
wiatr almost 4 years ago
Poor Brutus, gone to the dogs.
WLG12037 almost 4 years ago
It could be worse….it could be HATTIE rather than Kewpie!
Jeff0811 almost 4 years ago
Lighten up Brutus, you’ve got the best of both worlds. The love and loyalty of a faithful companion, without all of the little white lies we say to keep the peace. (No Gladys, that dress does not make your butt look big.)
Michael G. almost 4 years ago
Veebs: “Humbug!”
e.groves almost 4 years ago
Mother Gargle is coming over later. She’ll be your Valentine.
flemmingo almost 4 years ago
With Kewpie you save all that money on chocolate!
djtenltd almost 4 years ago
They sure will. Cats could care less.
St. Pillsbury almost 4 years ago
How about asking Mother Gargle?
megerkey almost 4 years ago
I didn’t forget about Valentine’s day, I don’t have anyone to be my Valentine.
christelisbetty almost 4 years ago
Does the number decrease with age ? In grade school we could have 40 Valentines…they didn’t even have to like us, or vice -versa.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Nice to see a son wish Mom Happy Valentine’s Day!
paullp Premium Member almost 4 years ago
To keep my wife happy, I go along with exchanging VD cards (hmm . . . never noticed the significance of that abbreviation before). To keep us both happy, we go shopping together for a box of candy to share, usually the day after, when anything with a big heart on it is 50% off!
raybarb44 almost 4 years ago
Since I am going to be in the doghouse for forgetting St Valentines’s Day anyway, might as well share it with someone who loves me. That being said, I doubt that Brutus could or would have forgotten the day and has surprises for his wife later on and is just letting his son have the moment. Good man that he is…..
Holilubillkori Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Any beloved pet will be your Valentine 24 & 7 = 365! :^D
paranormal almost 4 years ago
Just go buy one tomorrow at 50 to 90% off…
cuzinron47 almost 4 years ago
I think Kewpie is the loser in this case.
bigplayray almost 4 years ago
Snooze you Loose Brutus!
Lightpainter almost 4 years ago
You are required to kiss your valentine, Brutus. Pucker up!
Walter Parmantie Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Dogs are more loyal anyway. Only downside is their breath and where they manage to lick themselves.
JesseLouisMartinez almost 4 years ago
That’s Brutus’s luck to end with a dog on Valentine’s Day
dwane.scoty1 almost 4 years ago
Brutus, don’t mess with the strips format!