To mom- a nice china lamp would be ‘Nice Stuff’, and she would value it. For Eddie- a nice Nerf lamp would be ‘Nice Stuff’ and he would value IT. Everything’s relative (get it?) here at The Buckets. Also, if you have a facebook account, slip on over there to the right hand side of the page and ‘Like’ the Buckets, willya? We’re forming The Buckets Brigade, and we’ll eventually take over the world, but for now, we’re just hangin’ out.
To mom- a nice china lamp would be ‘Nice Stuff’, and she would value it. For Eddie- a nice Nerf lamp would be ‘Nice Stuff’ and he would value IT. Everything’s relative (get it?) here at The Buckets. Also, if you have a facebook account, slip on over there to the right hand side of the page and ‘Like’ the Buckets, willya? We’re forming The Buckets Brigade, and we’ll eventually take over the world, but for now, we’re just hangin’ out.