This chairs gotten too comfortable. Time to replace it. I must have missed understood that. At my age, getting up from a comfortable chair isn't worth the effort. I need to set in uncomfortable ones, or I'll never get up and do something that day.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
Like getting up to get a snack or going to find an uncomfortable bench in the nature park to sit on and complain how uncomfortable it is?
banjinshiju over 10 years ago
I have sat in chairs like that. They are like quicksand or a black hole – easy to get into but near impossible to escape from.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Whatever you say Frank.
bryan42 over 10 years ago
What does “2700 sf” mean? Anybody?
Seed_drill over 10 years ago
He must have just had a visit from the Spanish Inquisition.
Olddog1 over 10 years ago
Llywus42: 2700 square feet of indoor house space.
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
Frank is right. My computer may be right by the TV, but small bench I use is not cushioned. Otherwise I would be here all day.