I had some internal bleeding after a procedure a while back. Buttons were smacked, calls went out, and the room filled up with medical professionals. After all that, it was easy to picture (and funny to picture) Eddie trying to rouse concern over a bumped finger by calling ‘Internal Bleeding’. I was, however, prepared for a comment here where someone points out that ‘Internal Bleeding’ is very serious and not to be made fun of. Let’s settle back and see if it does actually come up, shall we?
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 4 years ago
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
whahoppened over 4 years ago
Ah! TV and disease-of-the -week.
well-i-never over 4 years ago
Get out the shears. He’ll be cured in a second.
rhpii over 4 years ago
Internal bleeding on a finger, sure it will turn your nail black.
david_42 over 4 years ago
That’s what bruises are, mostly. Internal bleeding, well oozing.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 4 years ago
I am half tempted right now to Look up and see if there really is a show called internal bleeding LOL
gregcartoon Premium Member over 4 years ago
I had some internal bleeding after a procedure a while back. Buttons were smacked, calls went out, and the room filled up with medical professionals. After all that, it was easy to picture (and funny to picture) Eddie trying to rouse concern over a bumped finger by calling ‘Internal Bleeding’. I was, however, prepared for a comment here where someone points out that ‘Internal Bleeding’ is very serious and not to be made fun of. Let’s settle back and see if it does actually come up, shall we?
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
OK, we better put a tourniquet on it.