Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for August 20, 2010
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Lucky Ducky in "Deficit Hawk Down" Hound: The national debt is out of control! Hound: This deficit cannot stand! It will ruin the nation! Hound: Look, there's Lucky Ducky getting the "stimulus" money driving the U.S. bankrupt! Hound: As a patriot, I've got to do something! DITCH DIGGING JOBS Hound: Heath, bring me the DEFICIT HAWK! Heath: Veddy good, sir. Hound: Ah, my pretty! You know what to do! Hound: Fly! Go on your winged way! Hound: It's a shame for Lucky Ducky, but it's for the good of the country! Hound: Now, to watch the... Television: ...Bush tax cuts for the wealthy set to expire... Hound: No! He's turning on ME! Hound: The country NEEDS those tax cuts to stimulate the economy... Deficit be damned! Hound: No, no! Stay away from my money! BLAM Hound: Here, bury this thing. Lucky Ducky: Ka-ching! Gotcha! The End
A recent study showed that when the rich benefit from individual tax cuts, they don’t stimulate the economy by spending it, they put it in savings. When they are not benefitting from individual tax cuts, then they spend more money instead of saving it. Although I personally doubt they spend much more - having worked in an affluent community for 24 years previously I can tell you that the rich didn’t get rich giving their money away - unless it results in a huge tax writeoff!
PS I deduce that Lewreader may be a doctor himself. Certainly he’s rich, and probably retired. Plenty of time to write five or six paragraph diatribes on a COMICS page!