Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 09, 2011
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Hi, I'm filmmaker George Lucas. When the United States government wanted to commemorate the 10 years since 9/11, they asked me to create the official film. Because who better to present a revised history to suit our current circumstances than the man who keeps hacking up the "Star Wars" movies every time a new type of disc comes out? COMING SOON ON Bluray Disc GEORGE LUCAS' USA WARS REVISIONIST EDITION CGI animation re-sets the scene...and now SADDAM SHOOTS FIRST! Saddam: Take this! And I have nuclear weapons! George W. Bush: Yes, I'll bet you have! An additional word of dialog is inserted so that the U.S. DIDN'T re-establish diplomatic relations with the villain Qaddafi! Condoleezza Rice: So we have a deal? Our oil companies can come to Libya? Qaddafi: NOOOOO! Instead of a budget stalemate leading to a U.S. debt downgrade, I've now made it so the Republicans BLINK in early 2011! Obama: Your demands are insane, and will only hurt the economy! Man: ...Okay! We can't really threaten a default. You win. CGI-added workers change street scenes from depressed and barren to BUSTLING WITH COMMERCE! Obama: My aggressive 2010 stimulus program has succeeded, and Americans are back to work!
Frankly, I’m skeptical. I’m not sure that simply re-writing history is going to solve all our current problems in the good ol’ USofA.
I think a much more effective solution is to finally get off our duffs and finish that time machine that mankind has dreamed about for so long. Think of the possibilities! A bribe here, an assassination there…the re-election of Jimmy Carter…