There is a signature in the bottom right, but it’s unreadable. Looks like maybe it starts with M and ends with N, which would fit Mason Mastroianni as “Mason”.According to Wikipedia, he has also been drawing Id and Dogs of C Kennel – but the signatures in each of these are different.
legaleagle48 about 9 years ago
Henry see, Henry do!
Argythree about 9 years ago
Run, Rodney! You’re about to be squashed!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 9 years ago
Henry be bigggger.Beware the spear, Henry.It might sting a bit.Besides, trusting Sir Rodney isn’t safe under the best of conditions.
andy herbert about 9 years ago
why did the art change so drastically in the last few weeks?I thought they were recycling old strips but these are new
Torq about 9 years ago
The gags are much improved these last few comics, particularly 1/1/16 and 1/2/16. Very good.
Cronkers McGee Premium Member about 9 years ago
He’s going to fall on the sword and crush Rodney.
neverenoughgold about 9 years ago
Who’s next? Humpty Dumpty?
Godfreydaniel about 9 years ago
Biggest laugh of my day so far!
markbart about 9 years ago
Run Rodney Run.
the borg about 9 years ago
get the point
markmoss1 about 9 years ago
There is a signature in the bottom right, but it’s unreadable. Looks like maybe it starts with M and ends with N, which would fit Mason Mastroianni as “Mason”.According to Wikipedia, he has also been drawing Id and Dogs of C Kennel – but the signatures in each of these are different.
MikeHoulder about 9 years ago
Just to say that Henry always brightens my day
jimboylan about 9 years ago
For a while, Sir Rodney’s quiver has been empty of any spears.