Umm… I think it should be turned the other way around. “You may be a geek if… someone confuses Deadpool and Deadshot, and you think that is hysterically funny!”
I’d like to now why Deadpool is no longer sneaking over to the DC Universe and calling himself Ambush Bug. In terms of personality, from what I’ve seen, they’re nearly identical.
I need a woman like Kathy that gets my geeky side and will back me up in a situation like this. BTW, the big difference between Deadpool and Deadshot is that the former is absolutely crazy… for chimichangas!
Futabakun Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Umm… I think it should be turned the other way around. “You may be a geek if… someone confuses Deadpool and Deadshot, and you think that is hysterically funny!”
tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Who needs to get some priorities. Eh?
Agent54 almost 10 years ago
You most probably are a geek if you understand this one.
Olddog1 almost 10 years ago
I never heard of either one until right now. Anybody got any insulting terms for me?
StoicLion1973 almost 10 years ago
One is a gun-wielding maniac and the other is…not so maniacal?
Kim Metzger Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I’d like to now why Deadpool is no longer sneaking over to the DC Universe and calling himself Ambush Bug. In terms of personality, from what I’ve seen, they’re nearly identical.
johnzakour Premium Member almost 10 years ago
This one is based on a true story.
blackman2732 almost 10 years ago
This is the first geek joke that I didn’t get. Maybe I’m not as geeky as I thought.
Jonathan Mason almost 10 years ago
WTF is either one? No idea. Never heard of either.
johnzakour Premium Member almost 10 years ago
. And here is Deadshot.
invertedyesterday almost 10 years ago
It’s way over my head today, so I am not a geek as defined here.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 10 years ago
OH NO! I DID have Deadpool confused with Deadshot! Tsk! (thanks) I think I like him better.
ChrisV almost 10 years ago
I need a woman like Kathy that gets my geeky side and will back me up in a situation like this. BTW, the big difference between Deadpool and Deadshot is that the former is absolutely crazy… for chimichangas!
K M almost 10 years ago
Not a problem for me. I don’t know either one.