Agnes by Tony Cochran for November 11, 2023

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    seanfear  over 1 year ago

    looking for troubles, aren’t we?

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    win.45mag  over 1 year ago

    Those feet will definitely get caught under the foot pegs resulting in some serious road rash

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    snsurone76  over 1 year ago

    I doubt that motorcycle owners just junk their used machines. Probably sell them to dealers for resale, like cars.

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    Pet  over 1 year ago

    You know, I am not really thrilled with the way they portray bikers. Having known and lived among them (neighbors when I first moved out at 18) in my youth, I was always treated very well by them, with true respect as a young lady.

    I always felt safe and if someone harrassed me, three guys would show up to ask if I was okay. These were just the neighbors.

    They organized Toy Drives and Rides for Santa, to raise money for childrens causes. One of the guys (love you, Kirk) dressed up as Santa every year and gave out toys to children in need. I was never afraid to walk alone at night and our community was better for having them.

    Yes, there are some criminal elements, as there are in any organization, but the guys I knew made their mamas proud.

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    rshive  over 1 year ago

    Listen to Grannie, Agnes. You’re better off walking.

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    Differentname  over 1 year ago

    Funny thing, I actually did find an abandoned motorcycle once. Parked on a bit of greenway next to the road and a few minutes walk from a shopping center. I always assumed that some kid had taken it out for a joy ride and then took the bus home.

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    The Orange Mailman  over 1 year ago

    I can think of other tickets to serious injury and criminal friends.

    If I could stick a knife in my heart

    Suicide right on stage

    Would that be enough for your teenage lust

    Or would you think the boy’s insane?

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    well-i-never  over 1 year ago

    A little questioning and Gramma will clam up about her past in a hurry!

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    monya_43  over 1 year ago

    I had a coworker who was a Harley Davison fan who had a large black beard and many flaming tattoos. He really looked mean and scary. I was a bit afraid of him when I first met him. But he would dress up like Santa Clause at Christmas and pin a Harley Motorcycle Logo on the back of his Santa suit. That was a hoot. He would always volunteer to ring the bell for the Salvation Army and work to collect toys for tots. He actually was a sweet guy.

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    Cozmik Cowboy  over 1 year ago

    Hasn’t there been mention of Gramma being a biker chick in her youth?

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    mindjob  over 1 year ago

    Sorry Agnes, but a bicycle doesn’t qualify, even if it has cool tassels

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    Mike Baldwin creator over 1 year ago

    motortickle granny!

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    gopher gofer  over 1 year ago

    those were the arguments that parents used to persuade their daughters not to go out with me…

    another distracted and now dead biker was in the news yesterday after slamming into a parked truck. ouch. bikers love our region’s wide, straight roads, but the downside is that some of them get up a bit too much speed…

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    raybarb44  over 1 year ago

    Most bikers are pretty good guys and gals…..

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    Sambora1  over 1 year ago

    We have a biker organization in our town that are good people, they donate a lot of their time to charaties, help raise money for any local group that needs the help, donate to the food bank and helped deliver meals to pople in need when pandemic first started and people couldn’t get out. I have never heard anything bad about them. Now the people with their ATV"S, side bys sides and such are the ones that don’t follow laws on what roads they can be on, go around messing up peoples lawns doing major damage, etc.

    Interesting side note- there is an ad for Harley Davidson and their visa card on the left side of screen.

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