“Don’t worry,Mom” – futile indeed; I can’t count the number of times I’ve one son or another utter that phrase.
I also can’t count how many times she has stopped worrying – because as to date, she has not……..(Hey, she’s been doing this “Mom” thing for 40 years now – she knows what the odds are).
Th older people, mostly blue hairs, are Baby boomers with spare cash. Go for the blue hair crowd. A local buffet has gone for it with a crazy good special. $7.50 which includes drinks from 1-4. 1-4 it has a sea of gray hair and portable O2 tanks. Take your coupon and get it for a .50 less.
Arianne over 7 years ago
What, me worry?
(I’ve got that Alfred E. Neuman A&J strip on my fridge.)
Ahuehuete over 7 years ago
Another struggling eatery = soon to be out of business
colddonkey over 7 years ago
Three out of four eateries go out of business within 5 years. :^(
Grace Premium Member over 7 years ago
toppop52 over 7 years ago
so, Arlo and Janice move down and they open a deli.
cabalonrye over 7 years ago
Facebook event! Go for the blue hair!
Cozmik Cowboy over 7 years ago
“Don’t worry,Mom” – futile indeed; I can’t count the number of times I’ve one son or another utter that phrase.
I also can’t count how many times she has stopped worrying – because as to date, she has not……..(Hey, she’s been doing this “Mom” thing for 40 years now – she knows what the odds are).
Vangoghdog01 over 7 years ago
Nothing a few good “garage bands” that will play for tips and a free meal cannot cure. Good food, good music, good price, sure winner.
Tyge over 7 years ago
Is this arc going somewhere?
ARLOS DAD over 7 years ago
Akin to the list of “famous last words”………
Tyge over 7 years ago
Maybe they need to open a “Blue Plate” type eatery and lure the “blue hairs”.
DDrazen over 7 years ago
If they served alcohol, Janice would be putting John Taffer on her speed dial.
ursen over 7 years ago
Th older people, mostly blue hairs, are Baby boomers with spare cash. Go for the blue hair crowd. A local buffet has gone for it with a crazy good special. $7.50 which includes drinks from 1-4. 1-4 it has a sea of gray hair and portable O2 tanks. Take your coupon and get it for a .50 less.
WF11 over 7 years ago
No comments anywhere about Gene’s hair color and shirt color being corrected in yesterday’s strip? That happened sometime in the last 22 hours!
Hippogriff over 7 years ago
The seating order changed with the viewing angle.
lindz.coop Premium Member over 7 years ago
But I thought they were super busy…isn’t that why the parents came down?
GR6 almost 4 years ago
“My baby! Someone save my baby!” Relax, Janis, the building isn’t on fire.