Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for May 11, 2019

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  almost 6 years ago

    I knew you’d lose it completely sooner or later, aunty.

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  2. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 6 years ago

    I think it’s funny…but I looked at it more along the lines of, in the face of tragedy, find a way to lighten the situation. Didn’t strike me as arson.

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    rekam  almost 6 years ago

    Not a recommended solution.

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  4. L we
    Baba27  almost 6 years ago

    So there’s the upside!

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    Shirl Summ Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I’ve sure felt like doing that a time or two but I wouldn’t. You just have to do one room at a time until it gets done. ho-hum

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    keltii  almost 6 years ago

    also effective for spider infestations.

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  7. Marvin
    Marvin Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Aunty, now you can become the “comedy” queen of the Liverpool vagrant encampment.

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  8. Karin 12 10 20
    karlykru Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I think it is funny! Of course, I have had a house fire and the way I deal with “bad stuff” is through humor. My fire happened back in 1975 and was right before Sukkot. It had rained for days on end and the ground got so saturated that a gas bubble went into the flames of my floor furnace – the resulting explosion blew a huge hole out in my roof. My comment to the firemen was that “HaShem provided me with a sukkah.” It was a great lesson – material things can be replaced (with exception of treasured first edition books etc. – even well-loved cats) – I was at work, my children were at school and there was insurance on my house. (I did think if I was at home that I could have rescued my cats; the firemen told my house went to 2000 degrees F. and I would not have survived.) The hidden blessing is that the new house I purchased is a block away from my shul and the re-built house became a rental property.

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  9. Stinker
    cuzinron47  almost 6 years ago

    We warned you about cooking.

    Oh, by the way, where is Walt.

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    WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Now all you’ll have to keep clean is a van…down by the river.

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    r413j731  almost 6 years ago

    After all the fires in California and the number of people who ended up homeless and losing everything, I do not find this funny!

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  12. Ruke toe
    miscreant  almost 6 years ago

    Only funny if she was a hoarder and no animals where inside.

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    jmworacle  almost 6 years ago

    Your insurance company won’t pay for arson. Big Mable will expect her cell be kept spotless or else.

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