Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for January 07, 2016
Gracie: What? Another present? for me? Tia: today is three kings day. Tia: When I was small, good kids got gifts to celebrate the day when the three wise men gave their gifts to baby Jesus. Tia: But somehow, over the years, lots of people have stopped celebrating this special day. Gracie: I'm pretty sure that's because kids weren't insulted.
cdward about 9 years ago
Although, wouldn’t Three Kings have been yesterday?
quinones.felix about 9 years ago
Yup a day late.
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member about 9 years ago
Well most parents are bled dry financially by that time.
David Norton Premium Member about 9 years ago
We always save one present each to give on January 6. Also, you can usually find the same items “on sale” after New Years Day, which is what I did on Tuesday afternoon.
rnmontgomery52 about 9 years ago
who [besides tradition] says there were three magi?
frumdebang about 9 years ago
When I was a kid we called it Little Christmas.
hippogriff about 9 years ago
Doctor ToonOf course it would make more sense theologically, but with Mammonism the state religion, merchants want instant gratification.
AnnDeeQ about 9 years ago
My mom, born 1906, said they opened small gifts (sort of like stocking stuffers) from Christmas Eve to January 5, then opened the “real” presents on Epiphany. Our tree went up on Christmas Eve (even when we grew our own) and stayed up until January 6. But we opened one small present Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas day. Traditions change. Now we start celebrating Christmas in September, right after the back-to-school sales.
David about 9 years ago
The Bible describes them only as “wise men from the East” (Matthew 2:1).
quinones.felix about 9 years ago
It’s practiced in Puerto Rico, but with the American influence Santa Claus has taken center stage. The parents that give a gift to the children in “El dia de los Reyes Magos” give a token gift. The children are left with the impression that Santa Claus is loaded and the other guys barely make ends meet.
MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT about 9 years ago
I get presents every Three Kings’ Day as it’s my birthday.
jbmlaw01 about 9 years ago
The Magi practiced magic. Probably Zoroastrians, good decent people, almost wiped out in their Persian homeland. Christopher Moore wrote a fantastic and worthy piece of fiction, “Lamb,” based on Christ’s relationships with the Magi.
CamiSu Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Um, at least in Europe, the Three Kings come on the 6th…I saw an early visit on the 5th, as they were travelling by high-speed rail, though their donkeys were waiting at the village they stopped at.