The strip lost its way with Bill the Cat. Back to Milo and Binkley. With Opus as supporting character. Also more interaction with clueless adults. IMHO.
I had to stop and google Rajneeshee. Fascinating stuff. And there’s a Netflix series called Wild Wild Country about it that I’m going to have a look at.
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 4 years ago
If you ever draw a new series with Oliver Wendell Jones as the primary character, please let me know.
allen@home over 4 years ago
I loved it when Mr. Breathed gave Oliver Wendell Jones his new computer that could walk and follow Oliver around.
TampaFanatic1 over 4 years ago
This is a funny story arc if I recall correctly, especially when the lads force Opus to get involved…….
Yontrop over 4 years ago
Wouldn’t it be easier to clean out the campaign fund yourselves? Didn’t you spend most of it on one TV spot?
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Sounds like Bill is having a Wonderful Time while these two witless jamokes are sulking. Milo, naturally, is money-mad….
I’mStandingRightHere over 4 years ago
The strip lost its way with Bill the Cat. Back to Milo and Binkley. With Opus as supporting character. Also more interaction with clueless adults. IMHO.
TexTech over 4 years ago
They have a campaign fund?!?!?!
Diat60 over 4 years ago
I had to stop and google Rajneeshee. Fascinating stuff. And there’s a Netflix series called Wild Wild Country about it that I’m going to have a look at.
johnec over 4 years ago
What campaign fund?! You had a campaign budget of $0.37, if you were lucky!
craigwestlake over 4 years ago
So Bill left them holding the Bhag…
mfrasca over 4 years ago
Eating soy cakes, weaving rugs, engaging in bioterrorism…
Timothy Madigan Premium Member over 4 years ago
this is why you never let the candidate have direct access to the campaign’s bank account.