“There is a theory that states that if anyone ever discovers what the universe is for, it will immediately vanish and be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable. There is ANOTHER theory that states that this has ALREADY happened…”
How many volumes on theology (the study and science of God) did Saint Thomas Aquinas write, and how does that number compare with the number of books in The Bible?
I do not get it. I keep hearing this 11 billion to 13 billion year statement… when one can read from reliable sources all over the net that we are seeing stars from 45 billion light years away… and the visible universe is estimated at 90 billion light years across.
So what’s with the measly 11 / 13 billion year thing? Did I miss somethings?
pschearer Premium Member over 5 years ago
I feel younger already!
mddshubby2005 over 5 years ago
“Good – I bought the extended warranty. It covers everything so long as we don’t break it ourselves.”
Algolei I over 5 years ago
I need to have my eyes checked again. I’d swear he says “2 billon years” instead of “2 billion years”.
Billion is a big number. Billon is a metal alloy out of which they used to make coins.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 5 years ago
It just feels older.
Masterskrain over 5 years ago
“There is a theory that states that if anyone ever discovers what the universe is for, it will immediately vanish and be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable. There is ANOTHER theory that states that this has ALREADY happened…”
Douglas Adams.Radish... over 5 years ago
A billion here, a billion there, after awhile you’re talking about real money.
Andrew Sleeth over 5 years ago
Not only that, but it now makes stargazing a statutory sex crime.
ChessPirate over 5 years ago
Ah, so 11.4 is the new 13.7, got it…
Packratjohn Premium Member over 5 years ago
It’s all due to a little sign on the door, “You must be at least 13 billion years old to buy alcohol”
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
Well, it’s been lying about it’s age for eons.
Indycar over 5 years ago
I don’t know. Most universal warranties expire at 10 billion years.
Bilan over 5 years ago
But it’s all useless since we don’t have the receipt.
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Check with the manufacturer: God. (Hooo-boy – here come the comments now!)
gopher gofer over 5 years ago
better read the fine print carefully…
winston5610 over 5 years ago
How many volumes on theology (the study and science of God) did Saint Thomas Aquinas write, and how does that number compare with the number of books in The Bible?
Snoots over 5 years ago
I do not get it. I keep hearing this 11 billion to 13 billion year statement… when one can read from reliable sources all over the net that we are seeing stars from 45 billion light years away… and the visible universe is estimated at 90 billion light years across.
So what’s with the measly 11 / 13 billion year thing? Did I miss somethings?