Elon Musk has a brother named Kimball, who is an agronomist. recently he developed a new sort of fruit, with a thin rind and sweet flesh. He was disappointed when he found out that there was already such a thing as a musk melon.
I love Lassie! Love Rough Collies, too. There are actually four different types of Collies. Bearded Collie, Border Collie, Rough Collie, Lassies breed, and Smooth Collie. https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/collie/. I go to the dog park a lot, and, there is this Collie called Teddy. Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties) are like miniature Rough Collies. There is this store near my house. It is called “Just For Fun” and it has party supplies and other stuff like advent calendars. They’re selling the advent calendars now because, after all, it is getting near christmas time. But i’m getting off topic so lets get back. I went there two days ago, and, there were store dogs walking around the place. There was this one Sheltie that I must have made a pretty good impression on, because after that, it started following me all around the store. Fortunately, it was very well trained, so when I left the store, it didn’t follow me out. The store probably doesn’t mind that customers pet the dogs. Thats all for today, folks! From now on, I’ll be leaving comments on future Calvin And Hobbes strips, but don’t worry if you don’t see my comment.
A little off topic but I have a cousin who loved Calvin and Hobbes so much the area where he kept his Calvin and Hobbes books had walls lined with comics.
What would be REAL funny is if Mr. Watterson inadvertently draws a panel featuring both other adults AND Hobbes as a real tiger, not a puny stuffed toy. In any case, Calvin, I love you but don’t quit your day job !!
BE THIS GUY about 4 years ago
Apparently, Calvin will be attending parties with people in their 80’s.
californiamonty about 4 years ago
I love it! By the way, what happens when you drink too much mead?
SHIVA about 4 years ago
And he’ll be the first one to be shown the door!!
oreally39 about 4 years ago
I liked that one then again I’m over 80
codycab about 4 years ago
What smells rotten and puts people to sleep? CALVIN’S ACT!
Johnny Q Premium Member about 4 years ago
“Puns are the lowest form of humour”—Samuel Johnson
Concretionist about 4 years ago
What do you get when you cross a lab monkey with a very popular legume and a plant with yellow flowers and profuse pollen?
Rhesus peanut buttercup.
jvo about 4 years ago
Awwww….. Calvin cracked his first Dad Joke, his kids would be teenagers now :)
gawkface about 4 years ago
pun jokes must be hard in verbal form
sallyseckman about 4 years ago
Simpsons actually did a visual joke of it that one time.
dlkrueger33 about 4 years ago
Great joke, but young people wouldn’t get it.
jmcenanly about 4 years ago
Elon Musk has a brother named Kimball, who is an agronomist. recently he developed a new sort of fruit, with a thin rind and sweet flesh. He was disappointed when he found out that there was already such a thing as a musk melon.
jagedlo about 4 years ago
Calvin thought that he was punny…the audience disagreed…
ForrestOverin about 4 years ago
I remember learning in an Anthropology class that, while there are few cultural ‘universals’, Groaning at Puns is among those that exist.
garcoa about 4 years ago
I expect to see this pun on PBS shortly. Are you reading this Pastis?
ajr58(1) about 4 years ago
What do you get when you cross a pig and a lawyer? No one knows. There are some things that a pig won’t do.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Keep trying kid. Live mike night is brutal.
david_42 about 4 years ago
Given that all puns are bad, this one isn’t too bad.
Mando about 4 years ago
A classic! Apparently I’m eighty years old.
aerotica69 about 4 years ago
I laughed. (It has already been a long day!)
johndifool about 4 years ago
Don’t forget the Infinite Sadness, Calvin.
[Quite possible that the name of the album was inspired by this strip]
rshive about 4 years ago
A party of one, Calvin.
formathe about 4 years ago
Two blondes walk into a building. You would have thought ONE of them would have seen it,,,,,,
Steverino Premium Member about 4 years ago
The married person’s melon: Honeydew.
Vangoghdog01 about 4 years ago
Aw, Hobbes, you know that puns are judged by how bad they are. That one is so old, it stinks (very good pun)!
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
Well, he’s the life of the cartoons page!
BiggerNate91 about 4 years ago
Calvin needs to learn that laughing at your own jokes does not make them funny.
mistercatworks about 4 years ago
I used that joke about the same time as this was originally published. Worse – it was in a sad poem. Those were NOT the “good ’ol days”.
Mac about 4 years ago
Somewhere, Stephan Pastis is secretly giggling.
ScratchyPDX about 4 years ago
Calvin is a little young to be telling Dad Jokes. :)
bobfjr about 4 years ago
I once asked the combo to play “mellon-doggie baby”… only the sax player laughed…….. (by cracky, by cranky, by creaky, by croakey)
Numbnumb about 4 years ago
You are assuming, of course, he will be invited?
A Hip loving Canadian... about 4 years ago
Hobbes should pun-ish Calvin for that one.
kathleenhicks62 about 4 years ago
Hobbes’ face is to die for!
AndrewSihler about 4 years ago
I hate to admit it, but that is rather good.
raybarb44 about 4 years ago
That is funny…..
Stephen Gilberg about 4 years ago
It’s a fine pun, but guffawing at your own joke is bad form.
RandomLantern445 about 4 years ago
I love Lassie! Love Rough Collies, too. There are actually four different types of Collies. Bearded Collie, Border Collie, Rough Collie, Lassies breed, and Smooth Collie. https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/collie/. I go to the dog park a lot, and, there is this Collie called Teddy. Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties) are like miniature Rough Collies. There is this store near my house. It is called “Just For Fun” and it has party supplies and other stuff like advent calendars. They’re selling the advent calendars now because, after all, it is getting near christmas time. But i’m getting off topic so lets get back. I went there two days ago, and, there were store dogs walking around the place. There was this one Sheltie that I must have made a pretty good impression on, because after that, it started following me all around the store. Fortunately, it was very well trained, so when I left the store, it didn’t follow me out. The store probably doesn’t mind that customers pet the dogs. Thats all for today, folks! From now on, I’ll be leaving comments on future Calvin And Hobbes strips, but don’t worry if you don’t see my comment.
Sarah T about 4 years ago
This is so me. I laugh at my own stupid jokes all the time.
streuny81@aol.com about 4 years ago
You crack me up every time I read your strip, Thanks, it’s my favorite.
RainbowWolf about 4 years ago
A little off topic but I have a cousin who loved Calvin and Hobbes so much the area where he kept his Calvin and Hobbes books had walls lined with comics.
random gamer about 4 years ago
you don’t see that face often on Hobbes ¬_¬
exeyevee Premium Member about 4 years ago
“In my heart, I know I’m funny.”
spaced man spliff about 4 years ago
What would be REAL funny is if Mr. Watterson inadvertently draws a panel featuring both other adults AND Hobbes as a real tiger, not a puny stuffed toy. In any case, Calvin, I love you but don’t quit your day job !!
Lightpainter about 4 years ago
In a similar situation, Hobbes has asked Calvin straight questions about Calvin’s “ joke”.
Here, I would expect Hobbes to ask how Lassie could impregnate a cantelope.
RandomLantern445 almost 4 years ago
That is a good joke
Odie's best friend about 3 years ago
not very funny calvin