Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for December 14, 2009

  1. Desert landscape
    FUNG1  over 15 years ago

    sure needs SOMETHING to perk it up!

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    The Duke 1  over 15 years ago

    DocT’s Nuclear Coffee would do the trick!!

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    comYics  over 15 years ago

    Adams coffee she made for him is probably just as listless.

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  4. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 15 years ago

    I second Doc’s Coffee!

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  5. Hildigunnur a  vox
    hildigunnurr Premium Member over 15 years ago

    well, somebodyshort, she’s been rooting for a fake tree so I think Adam maybe should have made a tiny bit more of an effort ;)

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    cdward  over 15 years ago

    ^So they will have an annual tradition of her complaining about not getting a fake tree (which is an abomination in my opinion, especially in households with children), then her not participating in the choice of live trees, then her complaining about the tree that Adam purchases. What I hear hildigunnur saying is that unless she gets her way, complaining will always be a part of their Christmas tradition. Happy holidays indeed.

    BTW, I think Doc’s Nuclear Coffee will either save the tree or kill it!

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    alondra  over 15 years ago

    Hey coffee always perks me up, maybe it’ll help the tree.

    This time I agree with the guys. She didn’t go help pick out the tree so she shouldn’t criticize.

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  8. Palms too
    pearlandpeach  over 15 years ago

    we kept a ficus tree alive and well, at the office, with cold coffee leftovers. Doc’s Nuclear Coffiee would have been perfect for mondays.

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  9. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  over 15 years ago

    Doc - maybe your coffee woud make it grow like in the Nutcracker ballet!

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  10. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    How come whenever I hear, we’re gonna…” it means

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    dante.deangelo  over 15 years ago

    Doesn’t look like coffee could hurt it much more.

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  12. Foxhound1
    bald  over 15 years ago

    quit your complaining laura…. you had the chance to go along and didn’t.

    this tree actually looks like a few of the trees my brother got when he was with his 1st wife

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    Bargrove  about 15 years ago

    sombodyshort: Well, I have a heart of gold and a

    knee of titanium, but I try not to be fake.

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  14. Cheetah crop 2
    benbrilling  about 15 years ago

    She will at least be pleased when she hears the price. (Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was free.)

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  15. 1899lsu avatar
    YatInExile  about 15 years ago

    If the coffee doesn’t work, they could get TOBY (in today’s Angry Eyebrows) to pick another tree.

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    Banjo Evans  about 15 years ago

    let’s agree never to speak of Adam theme-weeks again. I’ve had them airbrushed from my memory.

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  17. Irish clover.svg
    johnnydoc5  about 15 years ago

    At least Adam is thinking of solutions, all you’re doing is stating flaws.

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    OakDragon  about 15 years ago

    He needs to call in Lucy, Linus, and the rest of the Peanuts gang to come wave their hands at it. They had an amazing ability there.

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    dante.deangelo  about 15 years ago

    If Adam starts going back to those awful theme weeks, he’ll have one less regular reader.

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    linwoodbragg  about 15 years ago

    There’s no way they’ll bring back those theme weeks. They were the creative low point of this comic.

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    trying2keepup  about 15 years ago

    Bassett did a “them week ” at Red and Rover last week with Red writing letters to Santa, but they were all pretty funny !

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