Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for September 24, 2012

  1. Straightjacket
    Weapon Brown  over 12 years ago

    Well Phoebe, if you want someone to like you, then they should know you as you really are… And you’re weird… And that’s good.

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  2. Red
    TayoEXE  over 12 years ago

    Is “prolly” the kid slurred version of “probably”? Kind of like how we used to say “hafta” as kids. Anyway, today’s strip is great! She probably does like him like that. I bet she already took his shoelaces.

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  3. 1
    W_Inc-ThePPP  over 12 years ago

    “Use his shoelaces to make a nest.”That’s gotta be some kind of sexual innuendo.

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  4. Hpqscan0023
    Q4horse  over 12 years ago

    Equines know all about humans. They ignore what you say, but read your emotions and body language perfectly. They are really hard to deceive.

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    Heavenly Nostrils  over 12 years ago

    LOL! Awesome! Shoelace nest :) Dana is so creative. This strip is a treasure trove of comic intelligence that one would sadly miss if they didn’t read it daily :)

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  6. Img 1062
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago

    the nesting instinct is pretty strong in humans.

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  7. Dryad
    pinkdryad Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Dana, you are a wizard at expressions! I just love this strip! One of the highlights of my day.

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  8. Eye
    Pokefan_Frank  over 12 years ago

    Marigold learned that one from the bluejay in Girl, didn’t she?

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  9. Phoebe
    kaykeyser  over 12 years ago

    Yes once your average nine year old female human gets the Shoelace nesting urge she follows it up with a colorful and whimsical matting dance and presents the other with a shiny pebble. If any rivals get in the way the two females will bump chests and put on a display of power. The challenge of dominance can last for days until victor is decided. This victor can go on to be the leader of the pack and can have up to 20 males at once, however only the 1st gets to truly have her. In about 8 to 12 weeks the female will lay her eggs, up t a hundred at a time these Eggs will gestate in the nest for about eleven mounts until its warm enough to hatch new humans. They’ll be born blind and covered in hair and they will eat the Shoelaces before making a five mile trek back to the sea. Along the way they will be eaten by predictors and only the strongest will survive, but this is the way of the curricle of life. At about age three the humans will molt there hair and begin to develop there outer covering known as clothing, by adulthood at age nine they will bond a symbiotic relationship with an equestrian out of pure instinct and will attach them selves to the backs to eat off fleas and ticks. Then the cycle starts all over again. No one knows what happens to the human after they lay there eggs. Some say they, migrate to the moon and die others say they can live to be as old as 100s of years. To learn these answers we have tagged this Female who we shall name Bright Eyes and we will track her with the radio frequency that the tag gives off. Soon man kind will learn the secrets of the Teenager. This has been wild life facts by unicorns for unicorns join us next week when we will show you how to trap a human in a box and identify the gender. Stay Tuned “Everypony ’s Crazy” Starring Marigold Heavenly Nostrils, Swift Wind and Twilight Sparkle.

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  10. John w kennedy 2010 square
    John W Kennedy Premium Member over 12 years ago

    When I was a kid in Central Maine, it was “prob’ly”. Don’t recall encountering “prolly” before a couple of years ago.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    No she doesn’t Phoebe.

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  12. Capture
    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I hope “prolly” doesn’t enter into common usage. It grates on my nerves every bit as badly as “gots”.

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  13. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  over 12 years ago

    Shoelace nesting?How can Phoebe do that? Does she even know how to play “house?” I thought kids didn’t do that anymore, epsecially girls.

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  14. Nyan
    Cosmic Star Dust  over 12 years ago

    Phoebe x Max. OTP! XD

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    Terminusvitae  over 12 years ago

    First-time user, because I like this strip and I feel compelled to comment, finally:

    Please, please, PLEASE don’t include any romance in this strip. I understand that Ms. Simpson is an active member of this site’s community and I greatly value her creativity and refreshing artistic style, but I’ve always been of the opinion that few things ruin a comic strip as quickly or thoroughly as a “love” or “romance” angle.

    In the interests of full disclosure, I must confess that my favorite comic strip for many years has been Pearls Before Swine, and thus I am further compelled to recommend that any inclusion of romance, schoolyard-variety or otherwise, be modeled from that jaded, cynical view of bleakness and despair. Otherwise, comic strip romance (or that in film, fiction, or other media) almost invariably turns saccharine and maudlin.

    Nonetheless, thank you very much for this comic strip, Ms. Simpson. Your work is creative, original, and hilarious, sometimes wickedly so.

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  16. Hpqscan0023
    Q4horse  over 12 years ago

    Its interesting how the term “Prolly” draws all the commentators off on wild tangent. Max prolly likes Phoebe too, but her antics might lead him to conclude that she has no real interest in him. Such are the tangled webs that we weave.

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  17. Destiny
    Destiny23  over 12 years ago

    Hmm, is this an insight into unicorn nesting practices?!

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    Antiyonder  almost 6 years ago

    If the Unicorn ships them, such a speculation must be law.

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