Frazz by Jef Mallett for October 26, 2012

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    ReneTray  over 12 years ago

    His costume was changed in 2011.

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  2. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 12 years ago

    So much for the Man of Steel. What about the Woman of Kleenex®?

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  3. White tiger swimming
    cabalonrye  over 12 years ago

    That is the most logical explanation I have ever heard since heros started wearing pjs.

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    Armitage72  over 12 years ago

    The “briefs over tights” look was based on traditional circus acrobat costumes from the 1930s.

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    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    Armitage, good point….My dad was in the circus…He did elevated parallel bars…

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    Christopher Shea  over 12 years ago

    As Larry Niven wrote, when Clark Kent was a child he may not even have known that objects have surfaces.

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  7. Wile e coyote
    Totalloser Premium Member over 12 years ago

    it makes logical sense to me, but you would think he would choosing something better than Granny Panties to wear

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    sonorhC  over 12 years ago

    Y’know, Clark does seem to tip his glasses out of the way whenever he needs to use his vision powers while incognito…

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    Potrzebie  over 12 years ago

    I think the underwear outside comes from Circus performers and the way they wore their tights.

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    Stephen Gilberg  over 12 years ago

    Traditionally, Superman’s x-ray vision isn’t passive; he has to concentrate. The same is not true of Alec Bings, so I wonder if he needs help getting dressed.

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  11. Yukiface
    Dampwaffle  over 12 years ago

    Superman is called the Man of Steel, right? Steel rusts if you get it wet. So he wears his underpants outside of his tights so there won’t be rust stains.

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    tiny dancer  over 12 years ago

    Now where would he find an optometrist for such an unusual prescription, I wonder?

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    rgcviper  over 12 years ago

    I’ve wondered this myself, and—in theory, anyway—this explantion kinda makes sense. I like it, too!

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