For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for January 20, 2010

  1. Openwings
    OpenWings  about 15 years ago

    Did Michael brush his hair down over his eyes to go for the moody brooding look while he said his piece in the last panel? That’s not really workin’ for ya, buddy! xD

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  2. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 15 years ago

    LOL, OpenWings!

    I hope Michael at least put them in the right place, in between “soggy” and “spumoni”

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  3. Album cover
    kfaatz925  about 15 years ago

    @ lightenup - good one!

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  4. Steelers logo
    arsmall  about 15 years ago

    Thank howtheduck for yesterdays answer to my comment question. Your research skills are superb. However, I’m not so sure Lynn will be able to run the old strips without adding SOME new material. Think about it, you have a chance to rewrite your work! The changes she’s made now are great and the story line flows better…

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  5. 00000
    alondra  about 15 years ago

    I hate to say it but definitely Michael is taking after his mother, I’ve never seen his father holler like that. And he was being totally unreasonable, what he did was wrong and he deserved to be punished. It was not the teacher’s fault Michael it was yours.

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  6. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  about 15 years ago


    Yesbut (a word that is more often used than it gets credit for), since Michael is a human being, therefore he is imperfect, and does some wrong things sometimes…

    it would be very boring, not to say shocking, if he never did.

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    hgbalb  about 15 years ago

    Sounds like Michael will grow up to be a Republican.

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  8. Foxhound1
    bald  about 15 years ago

    it was s always the teachers fault when things i did never went the way they were supposed to

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  9. Manchester united
    mroberts88  about 15 years ago

    bald speaks the truth.

    Open, probably done in between panels.

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  10. L
    mjensen9999  about 15 years ago

    hgbalb: STOP IT, JUST STOP IT

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  11. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  about 15 years ago

    He looks just like Martha Coakley last night, only the commie left is in way more trouble than Michael is.

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  12. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Republican no, Communist yes (and even our Conservatives are to the left of the Democrats!)

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    alondra  about 15 years ago

    hgbalb said,

    Sounds like Michael will grow up to be a Republican.


    The democrats are much bigger whiners than the republicans.

    Canadians have conservatives and liberals which are basically the same as democrats and republicans.

    And for the umpteenth time if you people dislike Joe so much stop reading his comments!

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    keltii  about 15 years ago

    thing is,, will JAD ever talk about something negative about the “perfect” children in his life,, oh wait,, he has PERFECT children in his life,, there ever won’t be a negative story…

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  15. Cathy aack Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Yup sure, must be his mom’s fault that he misbehaved in school.

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