“North Americans” include Canadians. We say “pigs” for the live animals because that’s what the subservient Anglo-Saxons who cared for them called them; their Norman overlords, who spoke French, called the finished product that they ate, a French-derived word. pigs-pork; cow-beef, lamb-mutton, etc
Because “United Statesian” is long and ugly, of course. Which doesn’t stop Spanish speakers from saying “estadounidense,” tho they sometimes use “norteamericano” to the exclusion of Canadians.
When India was partitioned, Pakistan took its name from an acronym of P(unjab), A(fghan Province), K(ashmir), S(ind), and (Baluchis)TAN (the “I” was added for ease of pronunciation). By that model, we might call ourselvesVwammaknnonnummfinnscrawktoccightlommpinnsvwwidamm or something…
Agent54 over 12 years ago
Point taken – actually refine it to North Americans, Central Americans and South Americans, than keep drilling down to clarify actual location.
arye uygur over 12 years ago
“North Americans” include Canadians. We say “pigs” for the live animals because that’s what the subservient Anglo-Saxons who cared for them called them; their Norman overlords, who spoke French, called the finished product that they ate, a French-derived word. pigs-pork; cow-beef, lamb-mutton, etc
tarzina3 over 12 years ago
in our 9th grade english class, we had one kid who would do this, the rest of us would suddenly have a free class.
Simon Seamount over 12 years ago
Because the 50 states are each sovereign nations. Alabama and Texas are as much sovereign nations as England and Germany.
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
Because “United Statesian” is long and ugly, of course. Which doesn’t stop Spanish speakers from saying “estadounidense,” tho they sometimes use “norteamericano” to the exclusion of Canadians.
I Go Pogo over 12 years ago
At any given time there are many that feel the terms “American” and “pig” are interchangable.
davidh48 over 12 years ago
There are two “United States”. One is called “Mexico”.“Los Estados Unidos de Mexico.”
fritzoid Premium Member over 12 years ago
When India was partitioned, Pakistan took its name from an acronym of P(unjab), A(fghan Province), K(ashmir), S(ind), and (Baluchis)TAN (the “I” was added for ease of pronunciation). By that model, we might call ourselvesVwammaknnonnummfinnscrawktoccightlommpinnsvwwidamm or something…
finale over 12 years ago
The “Glen Park” and “Miller” sections of Gary, IN were going to dissannex themselves and form the new City of “Glen Miller”; but it never happened.
Erichalfbee over 12 years ago
Lamb Mutton?? Two different things altogether.