Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 10, 2010

  1. Missing large
    FUNIG1  about 15 years ago

    ya’ gotta have your priorities in order! keep tryin’ kiddo … maybe if you try REALLY hard?

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  2. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I love Danae’s facial expressions, but I always let it go. It’s easier than going through all those girations to hold it in.

    Though I never look forward to Mondays, I can’t wait for Monday’s strip.

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  3. Jack noire comic
    LordDogmore  about 15 years ago

    All I can say “OW! That musta hurt like heck” Next time dear let it go, it’s sometimes fun to folks scatter and run for cover, especially if you yeel “SWINE FLU” as you sneeze.

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  4. Dscn1232
    palos  about 15 years ago

    Can you spot the differences between the first and seventh panels, as well as the second and eighth panels?

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  5. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 15 years ago

    No difference, palos. Wiley got lazy and copied and pasted.

    ….but that “snik” panel is a masterpiece!

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  6. Globe eagle anchor
    ben_david  about 15 years ago

    I thought she was sitting on something besides the bed.

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    twinsnake_coatl  about 15 years ago

    Actually it would. XD

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  8. Opus45
    poppy1313  about 15 years ago

    Just let it go …

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  9. Missing large
    glslightning  about 15 years ago

    She could blow her little brains out!!!

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  10. Owl avatar
    RussellNash  about 15 years ago

    Definitely inspired by Calvin.

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  11. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 15 years ago

    I assumed the 1st and 7th and 2nd and 8th were supposed to be identical because they both show the beginning of the sneeze. First she’s able to suppress it only to have it start all over again. I love the last panel.

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  12. Pics2 030
    vexatron1984  about 15 years ago

    cdward has it right. If I tried to supres my sneezes my head would blow off. I have very LOUD very, high pitched sneezes that scare the bleeep out of anyone within a mile.

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    bazookaboy  about 15 years ago

    where’s homer ? i love the detail, story and humour on the sunday homer strips

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    cleokaya  about 15 years ago

    I also wondered if she was trying to suppress a sneeze or trying to aid release of another function. LOL

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  15. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 15 years ago

    In the immortal words of Humphrey Bogart, “Here’s looking atchoo, kid!”

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  16. Ivymucha
    rowena28 Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I thought she was having severe gas pains since she is too young for bad menstrual cramps.

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  17. Wink
    DonVanni  about 15 years ago

    I thought she was posing in one of those photo booths.

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    artybee  about 15 years ago

    In the fifth panel, Danae is positively cute. We don’t see that very often!

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    Soozee-cue  about 15 years ago

    Wiley, does Bill Watterson mind when you steal his strips? You’ve created Calvin-and-Hobbes encores before, but this is is the first time I’ve seen you re-create an entire Sunday feature of his, line for line, frame for frame, changing only the characters. Couldn’t you at least give him credit in the byline? With all the unauthorized Calvin ripoffs out there, hasn’t he been stolen from enough?

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  20. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  about 15 years ago

    At first, I thought she farted but I realized that she only had the sneeze couple times or so. If she has the problem with the sneeze that will not let go, just look at the light (either sun or light fixtures with bulbs) and then sneeze completely. It helps me to get rid of sneeze. While I drive, I NEVER like to close my eyes and sneeze at the same time. Because I was afraid if I did with the sneeze, I would hit a tree, pole or some thing out there for no reason. I hate it!

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  21. Danae
    Wiley creator about 15 years ago

    I should probably ignore posts like the one above by “Soozee-cue” (God, I hate screen names), but I’m going to address it anyway to help clear up confusion by such people who love to leap to such conclusions.

    I realize that Bill Watterson’s fans are legion, and deservedly so, but I haven’t read any Calvin and Hobbes strips since he retired in 1995. And unlike his fervent fans, I don’t have all his work committed to memory. I don’t even have MY work committed to memory! So I honestly don’t know what C&H cartoon is being referred to here, saying it’s copied “frame for frame”. If someone could direct me to it, I’d love to see it.

    The way this cartoon came about is quite simple… it came from me a couple of months ago (we work on long deadlines, especially for Sunday editions) when I was trying to suppress a little sneezing attack in the middle of the night, trying not to wake my wife and startle the dogs. I felt myself making those faces, and later thought it would make a nice little silly cartoon. The next morning, I sketched it out, while the memory of those faces was fresh in my mind. That’s it. And that’s how a lot of cartoons are created, out of real life experience, exaggerating it for humor.

    Similarities in cartoons happen all the time. I see my gags appear in other cartoons all the time, but I don’t leap to the conclusion that they’re ripping me off. They just went through the same thought process I did in coming up with the idea.

    And if I was going to rip off someone else, it sure wouldn’t be the work of someone whose work is as widely known as Bill Watterson’s! That’s just plain stupid. I should also point out that I’m with the same syndicate that Bill Watterson was, so if I was stealing his material, they would certainly let me know about it!

    I know how devoted and protective the Calvin and Hobbes fans are, but please take a moment to think before posting such inflammatory statements.

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  22. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Well said, Wiley. And I’m a C&H fan, too. I have the Authoritative Calvin & Hobbes. In it, Watterson has a daily and a Sunday edition on the subject. The daily showed him managing to suppress his sneeze, while in the Sunday edition he did sneeze & try to convince Mom that he blew his head off.

    While certainly the subject matter may be the same, that is the only similarity.

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  23. Missing large
    1148559  about 15 years ago

    The Sunday one ran not too long ago. Yes, the subject is the same, but the punch-line is totally different. It is hardly line by line and frame for frame identical.

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    lunatic03867  about 15 years ago

    I end up in deep trouble if I tried to hold in a sneeze. I have a VERY strong diaphram, so it holding them in HURTS. I tried holding my nose and mouth closed to stifle a sneeze when I was a kid - The pressure on my eardrums via my Eustachian tubes made me deaf for a few hours and hard of hearing for several days. NOT fun!!! Now I just cover my mouth and nose with my shoulder and let nature take over.

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  25. 035
    napaeric  about 15 years ago

    Thank you Wiley, inspiration comes from many sources and since we are humans we will often have shared experiences. In fact if a cartoon does not have some shared experience that the reader can empathize with it will probably not be very funny.

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  26. Willy wonka factory
    dsom8  about 15 years ago

    Danae is a female Calvin anyway. Why wouldn’t they act the same? Not to mention that a wise man once said, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

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  27. J money
    Joseph Krois  about 15 years ago

    Geshundheit meine kleine fraulein! Was ist “Calvin und Hobbes”?

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  28. Osc koz november 2009 010
    Ursula A Kehoe Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I’ve experienced all of those facial contortions. However, as a child I plugged my nose while sneezing and now hear crickets continuously. Great work, Wiley!

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  29. Globe eagle anchor
    ben_david  about 15 years ago

    If this helps, and if anybody comes back here this far along, the best way that I’ve found to decrease the power of a sneeze is to exhale as much as possible just before it. Then there’s no great powerful blast.

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  30. Osc koz november 2009 010
    Ursula A Kehoe Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Thanks, ben_david.

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  31. Cathy aack Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I love the new hair-do in the last panel. Who cares if Waterson did a similar comic, he hasn’t done anything new in over 10 years. If we can’t poke a little fun of someone sneezing without being accused of plagiarism, we’re in big trouble.

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