can’t pass a resolution without going to a sub committee, then a committee, then a trial balloon, then a vote then over to the other sides subcommittee, committee, trial balloon, vote then back for reconcilliation of 2 different resolutions with amendments
and the queen of the little Iranian ant hill over in the middle is still claiming their solar energy is for peaceful use only, because they are a peaceful people…
but the worker ants who toil away in the iranian ant hill have put on green and are starting to protest……..
The Ant Hills all seem to be built from sand, upon sand. Civilizations built on sand will crumble and fail. Unless they have oil. Do any of these ant hills have oil and a looking glass?
sjoujke about 15 years ago
Solar proliferation….that’s diplomatic speak for ant extermination.
Superfrog about 15 years ago
Anyone want to buy a hat?
yyyguy about 15 years ago
now THAT strikes me as a burning issue.
Yukoner about 15 years ago
The question is … is he for it or ag’in it?
Kamino Neko about 15 years ago
There’s an extra level of clever that I’m not sure is entirely intentional, in this one.
(Although, if it is, I can imagine it being the genesis of this arc…)
Rakkav about 15 years ago
Something tells me this arc is far from over.
(EDIT: I was wrong, but who wants to lay odds on this motif returning?)
pschearer Premium Member about 15 years ago
Quick, pass a resolution! That’ll teach ‘em!
Ray_C about 15 years ago
This is one place where the good old aluminum foil hat might actually help!
Plods with ...™ about 15 years ago
can’t pass a resolution without going to a sub committee, then a committee, then a trial balloon, then a vote then over to the other sides subcommittee, committee, trial balloon, vote then back for reconcilliation of 2 different resolutions with amendments
ad infinitem
cdward about 15 years ago
“We will all cook together when we cook.” (with apologies to Tom Lehrer)
lewisbower about 15 years ago
Thank God the UN has another situation in control.
DolphinGirl78 about 15 years ago
Scary thought Lewreader…
MisngNOLA about 15 years ago
Is it just me or do all the glasses appear to be pointed toward their UN?
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
MisngNOLA Not all. Look closer at the third ant hill from the left. It appears to be pointed toward the second from the left.
ChazNCenTex about 15 years ago
One word, “mirrors”.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 15 years ago
and the queen of the little Iranian ant hill over in the middle is still claiming their solar energy is for peaceful use only, because they are a peaceful people… but the worker ants who toil away in the iranian ant hill have put on green and are starting to protest……..
napaeric about 15 years ago
The Ant Hills all seem to be built from sand, upon sand. Civilizations built on sand will crumble and fail. Unless they have oil. Do any of these ant hills have oil and a looking glass?
Trainwreck_1 about 15 years ago
Solar Proliferation… Unless I’m wrong, isn’t there still only one sun in the sky? Solar Energy Proliferation maybe.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I think they have seen the light!