Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for November 05, 2012
Goat: How's your campaign for president going? Rat: Good. I've hired Arnie Armadillo to run it. He has expertise in a number of disciplines, including election strategy, polling, media relations, and fundraising. Goat: So where is he? Rat: He got run over by a truck. He never did master road crossing.
StrummerFan over 12 years ago
I never have seen a live armadillo! Just ones on the side of the road. Guess today’s strip won’t break my streak…
margueritem over 12 years ago
Most armadillos seem to have that problem…
Alexander the Good Enough over 12 years ago
Q: Why’d the chicken cross the road?
A: To prove to the armadillo (et al.) that it could be done!
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
I understand a lot of lonely women have electric armadillos to keep them company.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Hey, he is looking a little run down.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Hey, Zomney can run with his feet in his mouth, so I guess Arnie can still help out.
Bilan over 12 years ago
You’ll never win the election if you’re middle-of-the-road.
hariseldon59 over 12 years ago
Careful, armadillos are known to carry leprosy.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
I’ve seen plenty of squashed armadillos littering roads (mainly in Texas). They flatten real good! Can’t say as I’ve met such an educated one as Rat’s was….
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
and, one armadillo is called sybian.
Kittydew over 12 years ago
I saw 2 this morning on my run. Alive and rooting around, and a big raccoon. Lots of reserve area around my home, so I get to see lots o’ critters!
jessegooddoggy over 12 years ago
Well, I was only in Texas one time, but I did see a live armadillo, and whopping cranes and a huge beautiful indigo snake. Pretty good trip!
noahproblem over 12 years ago
Well he saved Rat the trouble of throwing him under the bus when the (unsuccessful) campaign is over…
rpG Premium Member over 12 years ago
What do they call armadillos in Texas?—speed bumps.
EMT over 12 years ago
wow…no Rango references yet. But, he’s with the Spirit of the West now!
Number Three over 12 years ago
Goat’s face is PRICELESS in the Last Panel…
An Iron Hand in a Velvet Glove over 12 years ago
Was the last panel left off this one?
SwimsWithSharks over 12 years ago
Rat should still expect an invoice and an automatic withdrawal from the campaign’s checking account.
lookwhatbobfound over 12 years ago
I see live armadillos here all the time (Oakland, Florida). I have one that comes out of the woods about 50 feet away right about dawn & I can tell it’s out there when my inside cat starts jumping all over me running from window to window wanting to go out and play with it. You don’t want to mess with an armadillo though, they have razor-sharp teeth,.
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
I saw an armadillo in Florida’s palmetto-and-pine woods. It galloped away. I could’ve picked it up at one point, but prob. wouldn’t be a good idea . . .
PoorPig about 12 years ago
Google Science Now article, “Yes, You Can Get Leprosy From an Armadillo”.
Sherlock Watson about 12 years ago
Arnie will soon be attracting various insects and scavengers. Maybe he hasn’t mastered crossing, but now we can watch him master bait. =rimshot=
PocketNaomi about 12 years ago
Clearly, Rat is a centrist. “Ain’t nothin’ in the middle of the road but yellow lines and dead armadilloes.”
Buggerlugs about 12 years ago
Feral hogs have a problem with the new 85 mph highway in Texas.
Scott S about 12 years ago
I’ve seen one live one.
Where I used to live, they called them Oklahoma road pizzas.
Popeyesforearm about 12 years ago
a Texas speed bump
joegeethree about 12 years ago
Armadillos are extremely near sighted. At my job, I’ve had them amble right up to me and then stop, do a 180 and amble back the way they came. They are funny little guys.
Logical Duck about 12 years ago
That truck driver knew the way to armadillo.
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
Um. Armadillo pie.
freeholder1 about 12 years ago
You expect sophisitcated here? what comic do you read?
Platinum Hippo about 12 years ago
I saw this coming a mile a way. Nobody names “Arnie” will ever survive in “Pearls.”
ironflange about 12 years ago
Come Wednesday, Mittens is going to know how Arnie feels.
Mamarilla about 12 years ago
Why did the chicken cross the road… to show the armadillos how it is done… padampum