Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for November 07, 2012
Pig: Bad news, Rat. You weren't elected president. That guy was. Rat: That guy? What a joke. The country's ruined. Pastis: Whoa whoa whoa whoa... Sorry to interrupt, Rat, but would you mind reminding everyone that I wrote this strip in august and didn't actually know the winner, so your reference isn't to anyone specific. I'd rather not get 1,000 complaints. Rat: Stephan thinks this guy gets elected and that he's an idiot. Pastis: Stop. Pig's sign: Send those complaints to:
Bilan about 12 years ago
Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself- Mark Twain
seyleigh about 12 years ago
It’s okay Stephan, they are both idiots.
zero about 12 years ago
Unfortunately, he’s just idiot out front. . ..
orinoco womble about 12 years ago
I love Pig’s sign…Pastis must have been a Boy Scout, he was certainly prepared!
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
That Sad Little Man looks pretty cool, cleverly predicting an unnamed winner months early. But Rat does know how to punch his buttons (not hard, given that Rat is his alter ego).
hitman4cookies about 12 years ago
I’ll take four more years of gridlock over four years of What Romney offered,
naturally_easy about 12 years ago
I never could understand why anyone would want to run for a second term. You already have all the perks for life. Why put yourself through any more?
neutrino11 about 12 years ago
Po-tay-to po-tah-to.
einarbt7 about 12 years ago
Ah the USA.
pdking77 about 12 years ago
The idiot won and the march to Marxism continues.
Rooster17780 about 12 years ago
The#1BoiseStateFan about 12 years ago
I guess Rat hates Obama
cdward about 12 years ago
The problem with calling everyone in government an idiot is that we still need a government, and if these are the smartest, toughest folks we have, then the rest of us are worse than idiots.
SwimsWithSharks about 12 years ago
I wish Jill Stein had won. Stephan would have looked pretty silly calling her “this guy”.
De_Faulto about 12 years ago
Actually, I think Pastis and Rat are dead on.
dfowensby about 12 years ago
yeh. 2016 is gonna be circus, if the best the gop can shove up our nose NOW, is the playoff winner against Newt and Sarah Palin. oy.
lkinsley about 12 years ago
OMG!! He is RIGHT! Actually, I wish Rat would have won…
lkinsley about 12 years ago
GoldenRoya is right – and everyone thought the phone calls and mailings were going to stop…
Moishe3rd about 12 years ago
Well, it’s not the end of the world as we know it… Well, maybe it’s not…Americans have simply demonstrated that the original ideal upon which this country was founded, is no longer all that important.The original settlers to America were Christians fleeing a European Christianity where one’s relationship to G-d was defined by the Church or the State.The United States was founded upon the ideal that each individual citizen had their own personal relationship with G-d.Apparently, a majority of Americans no longer believe this…It would seem that a majority of Americans believe that Submission to the State is a higher form of worship… Hmmm…. Submission – that might be a clever name for this new religion…
SAINT12345 about 12 years ago
4 more years of the funniest strip!
Number Three about 12 years ago
Brilliant strip!
Love Stephan’s face in the Last Panel…
It’s Priceless!
CitizenThom about 12 years ago
In the end, it isn’t the idiot politician, but the idiots who vote for the idiot politicians that are the real idiots, ha ha.
Robert Pratt about 12 years ago
Ha! He thought Biden became President!!!
jbmlaw01 about 12 years ago
The US will survive the failed president, but it may not survive the mentality that elected him.
OGeniusOne about 12 years ago
Paul, just because someone may disagree with Obama’s political plans does not mean they are rascist. For all you know Barry could be african american too!
Vonne Anton about 12 years ago
Censored? Must be a British newspaper, page 3…(I think)
Timothy Madigan Premium Member about 12 years ago
POGO for President!
Vonne Anton about 12 years ago
Most folks will agree Congress is slogged to a halt…yet, most incumbents just got re-elected. Do people really think “good government” will magically appear?
alviebird about 12 years ago
And I had thought that Shrub getting reelected was a fluke. I can only deduce that, in each case, the fear of the alternative was overwhelming. (And, in this case, maybe well placed.)
big man about 12 years ago
obama phone!!!
BananaSlug about 12 years ago
Are we going to spend the entire comments section debating politics— and by “debate” I mean call candidates idiots without actually making any points?
…‘Cause that’s dumb.
Tandembuzz about 12 years ago
We always say the president of the US is the most important man in the world. If that’s so, how come he/she can take three months off to run for reelection? What would happen if YOU did that at YOUR job?
Popeyesforearm about 12 years ago
Sherlock Watson about 12 years ago
Pastis is just upset that the candidate who would have provided the most joke fodder didn’t win. about 12 years ago
oh rat, you are drawn in the past, but living in the present.
Sidneypop about 12 years ago
Well “idiot” narrows the field. Who, in their right mind, would want to be president?
le-roy about 12 years ago
Four more years of the same stupidity, instead of four years of new stupidity. Potayto – potahto.
Bill Chapman about 12 years ago
This strip is a perfect example of why cartoonists quit drawing strips when under contract. Bloom County died because of it, and later so did Opus. It may have had some effect on Calvin and Hobbes as well, but Watterson has stated he quit because he nothing more to say with Calvin and Hobbes, so he moved on.
K M about 12 years ago
No, he didn’t. The real idiot won, and you know it.
sandigilbo about 12 years ago
Yea! MORE government FOR the people. The goverment owes you and me and, by golly, we’re going to get what we deserve. It will be better when they start issuing us matching clothing, too.
1937=jaguar about 12 years ago
Rat is correct !!!!!!!!!!
mac47 about 12 years ago
How does he know Rat wasn’t elected?
Drewdove about 12 years ago
What Romney offered was what he did with the Winter Olympics, Staples and Sports Authority. We got the idiot who blames others while the country goes down in flames. He is surrounded by idiots all self-proclaiming by celebrating. Enjoy the fall, we’re not letting you into Canada.
Zebrails about 12 years ago
I cannot believe everyone missed the #1 point made in this strip…Pastis’s teeth are identical to Rat’s teeth when they are angry.…exhale. ( I have vented.)
killacowinWA about 12 years ago
I am fond of figs.
Earendil about 12 years ago
it is a sad day in america
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
What a GREAT day in America. Honor, equality, and justice were all furthered. And if any supreme court vacancies occur in the next four years Obama will name the replacement. Happy, happy day.
Dragonlupin0 about 12 years ago
While I don’t think they should be allowed one term, I do like the five year term part, makes things simpler.
pigbacon about 12 years ago
true that
pigbacon about 12 years ago
newt gingrich for the win
jerry400 about 4 years ago
Ha, if you thought HE was an idiot, you guys just wait…